The March of Peace

Since 2005 the March of Peace has been held in Bosnia and Herzegovina in memory of the victims of the Srebrenica genocide in 1995 during the Bosnian War.  It was then, on July 11th, that Serbian troops overran the UN safe zone that had been established in Srebrenica despite the presence of 450 Dutch UN peacekeepers and took over the city.  In the ensuing days estimates are that between 10,000-15,000 men and boys fled to the nearest Muslim safe haven, the town of Tuzla, some 60 miles away.  It was during that attempted escape that over 8,000 men and boys would be massacred by the Bosnian Serb troops, their bodies strewn and dumped in mass graves in the surrounding woods and countryside.  The March of Peace traverses the same winding and mountainous dirt road between Srebrenica and Tuzla and is often referred to as “Death Road”.  The three day march begins in Tuzla and ends in the small village of Potocari, a suburb of Srebrenica.  It is here where the memorial center is located.  Mass graves of the remains of those who have been found dot the hillside.  In the center of town, a stone wall etched with the names of those who have been identified over the years.  On day four, July 11, a service is held to honor those who lost their lives, and hold funerals for the remains of those found and identified through DNA testing over the course of the previous year.

On July 8 of this year Mirsad and his wife Mirzeta joined thousands of others on the March of Peace.  Survivors of the genocide and family members of those who lost their lives.  Others came from small villages, towns and cities from across Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Europe and around the world to pay their respects and honor those who lost their lives during their flight from the Bosnian Serb army some 24 years ago.  Mirsad and I spoke about the emotional yet rewarding experience.

Marš mira

Od 2005. godine, u Bosni i Hercegovini se održava Marš mira, u sjećanje na žrtve srebreničkog genocida iz 1995. godine, tokom rata u Bosni. Dana 11. jula te godine, srpske snage su ušle u zonu pod zaštitom UN-a uspostavljenu u Srebrenici, uprkos prisustvu 450 holandskih pripadnika mirovnih snaga UN-a, i zauzele grad. Procjenjuje se da je u narednih nekoliko dana između 10.000 i 15.000 muškaraca i mladića prebjeglo u najbliže bezbjedno muslimansko utočište, u grad Tuzlu, koja je bila udaljena oko 100 kilometara. Tokom tog pokušaja bijega, snage bosanskih Srba su masakrirale više od 8.000 muškaraca i mladića, čija su tijela rasuta i bačena u masovne grobnice u okolnim šumama i predjelima. Marš mira prolazi istim vijugavim i planinskim zemljanim putem između Srebrenice i Tuzle, koji se često naziva i „Putem smrti“. Trodnevni marš kreće iz Tuzle i završava u Potočarima, seocetu nadomak Srebrenice. U tom selu nalazi se i memorijalni centar. Brežuljci su puni grobova s ostacima onih koji su pronađeni. U centru mjesta nalazi se kameni zid s imenima onih koji su identifikovani tokom narednih godina. Četvrtog dana, 11. jula, održava se služba u čast onih koji su izgubili živote i pokopavaju se ostaci onih koji su pronađeni i identifikovani testiranjem DNK tokom prethodne godine. 

Dana 8. jula ove godine, Mirsad i njegova supruga Mirzeta pridružili su se hiljadama drugih u Maršu mira. Onima koji su preživjeli genocid i članovima porodica onih koji su izgubili živote. Drugi su stigli iz malih sela, opština i gradova iz cijele Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske, Evrope i svijeta, kako bi odali pomen i počast onima koji su izgubili živote tokom bijega od vojske bosanskih Srba prije otprilike 24 godine. Mirsad i ja smo razgovarali o tom emotivnom, ali i dragocjenom iskustvu.

26.07.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine