Monthly Archives: September 2019

Planning For the Second Assembly Meeting of the Platform for Progress Movement

Typically the assembly of the Platform for Progress Movement would meet every four years.  However, during a recent meeting of the Platform for Progress Movement governing board, members decided to hold another assembly this year as well, just one year after the founding assembly announced the formal of organization of the Movement.  Sarajevo would typically be the location of such a gathering, however this year the board decided to have the assembly meet in Banja Luka, which is located in the Republic of Srpska.  I spoke with Mirsad about this very interesting decision as well as his planned trips to Sweden and Denmark as the formal organization of the Movement in those countries is almost complete

Planiranje druge skupštine Platforme za progres 

U pravilu bi se skupština pokreta Platforma za progres održavala svake četvrte godine. Međutim, tokom nedavnog sastanka Upravnog odbora Platforme za progres, članovi su odlučili da održe još jednu skupštinu i ove godine, tek godinu dana nakon što je osnivačkom skupštinom proglašeno zvanično organizovanje ovog pokreta. Sarajevo bi u pravilu bilo lokacija za takvo okupljanje, međutim, odbor je ove godine odlučio da se skupština okupi u Banjoj Luci, koja se nalazi u Republici Srpskoj. Razgovarao sam sa Mirsadom o ovoj zanimljivoj odluci, kao i o njegovim planiranim putovanjima u Švedsku i Dansku, pošto je zvanično organizovanje pokreta u ovim zemljama skoro finalizirano. 

27.09.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine


Reflections on How Far the Platform for Progress Movement Has Come in Such a Short Period of Time

Mirsad Hadzikadic continues to take pause from time to time when he sees just how much has been accomplished since he announced his plans in January of 2018 to run for the Bosniak presidential council seat.  He witnesses these accomplishments on almost a daily basis as he travels throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina as he speaks with people from all walks of life, sharing the message of the Platform for Progress movement, that together they can make a difference and a better tomorrow for their country.  We spoke  about his most recent travels, which for Hadzikadic proved to be very gratifying, emotional, and heightened even more his awareness of the impact the message is having across the country.

Razmatranje dokle je pokret Platforma za progres stigao za tako kratko vrijeme 

Mirsad Hadžikadić povremeno odmori kada vidi koliko toga se postiglo od kada je u januaru 2018. godine objavio svoje polanove da se kandiduje za bošnjačkog člana Predsjedništva. Svakodnevno je svjedok ovih dostignuća dok utuje širom Bosne i Hercegovine i razgovara sa ljudima iz svih sfera života, dijeleći poruku Platforme za progres da se zajedno mogu donijeti promjene i donijeti bolje sutra svojoj državi. Razgovarali smo o njegovim najnovijim putovanjima, koja su za Hadžikadića bila vrlo prijatna, emotivna, te su još više povećala njegovu svijest o učinku koji poruka ima širom zemlje.

19.09.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine


Listening to the Voices of Bosnia and Herzegovina

For Mirsad Hadzikadic and the Platform for Progress Movement travel around the country remains at the forefront of its efforts as the Movement continues to formally organize throughout municipalities, towns and cities.  Mirsad makes a point each week to meet with as many citizens as he can.  This includes speaking at town hall meetings, meeting business owners, engaging with teachers at local schools, and yes even attending another soccer game as he strives to understand and address all of their concerns.  We spoke about his recent travels and his takeaways from numerous meetings as preparations are now in full swing for the local elections in October of 2020

Osluškivanje glasova Bosne i Hercegovine

Za Mirsada Hadžikadića i pokret Platforma za progres obilazak zemlje je u prvom planu dok traje formalno organizovanje pokreta u općinama i gradovima. Mirsad se trudi svake sedmice sastati sa što više građana. Da bi pokušao razumjeti i razmotriti njihove probleme, govorio je na tribinama, razgovarao sa vlasnicima kompanija i nastavnim osobljem lokalnih škola i ponovo gledao fudbalsku utakmicu. Razgovarali smo o njegovim nedavnim putovanjima i utiscima sa mnogobrojnih sastanaka, s obzirom na to da su pripreme za lokalne izbore u oktobru 2020. godine u punom jeku.

13.9.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine.


More Local Assemblies for the Platform for Progress Movement Are Being Formed Across Bosnia and Herzegovina.

With the local elections just over a year away the travel for Mirsad and the Platform for Progress Movement has intensified.  This, as Movement continues to formally organize in key cities, towns and municipalities across Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Mirsad and I recently spoke about these trips and his takeaways from these visits, including a meeting of the governing board of the Platform for Progress Movement in Sarajevo.

Još lokalnih skupština pokreta Platforma za progres se organizuje širom Bosne i Hercegovine

Sa lokalnim izborima koji će biti održani za tek malo više od godinu dana, putovanja Mirsada Hadžikadića i Platforme za progres se intenziviraju. To je zato što Pokret nastavlja da se formalno organizuje u ključnim gradovima i opštinama širom Bosne i Hercegovine. Mirsad i ja nedavno smo razgovarali o tim putovanjima i njegovim zaključcima sa tih posjeta, uključujući i sastanak Upravnog odbora Platforme za progres u Sarajevu.

05.09.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine.