Monthly Archives: October 2019

Engaging the Diaspora in Sweden and Denmark

Mirsad Hadzikadic recently traveled to Sweden and Denmark as the Platform for Progress is formally being organized in those two neighboring countries.  In Sweden, where the Platform for Progress has been officially organized, he participated in the presentation of the organizing committee and the governing board.  It was then off the Denmark, for a town hall meeting where the Platform is still in the process of being formally organized.  When we spoke Mirsad continued to emphasize the importance the diaspora and the critical role they will play in the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina.   

The Platform for Progress Movement is Officially Established in Mostar

This week marked the official organization of the Platform for Progress Movement in Mostar, the sixth largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Getting to this point for Mirsad Hadzikadic and the Movement was not without its challenges due to the inherent complexities and general makeup within the city.  But despite various roadblocks along the way, Mirsad told me it was a wonderful event which marked first gathering of the founding assembly in the city.

The Platform for Progress Movement Reaches Out to the Youth of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Platform for Progress Movement has always emphasized that it is all inclusive, a movement that is and always will be for everyone, not just a select few.  This was never more apparent than when Mirsad Hadzikadic met with a group of high school IT students in Tuzla.  Not to discuss politics but to hear what they had to say and answer their very poignant questions about their chosen profession and what the future holds for them Bosnia and Herzegovina.  His most recent travels also took him to Switzerland where he attended activities planned and hosted by the newly formed Platform for Progress Movement in Switzerland.