Monthly Archives: February 2021

Elections in Bosna and Sava Will Determine Leadership Roles for the Platform

Elections in the regions of Bosna and Sava will determine leadership positions in those regions.  Another sign of the growth for the Platform for Progress since its inception in 2018. However, as Mirsad Hadžkadić president of the Platform for Progress told me during our recent conversation, this process in itself is posing its own set of challenges.  We also spoke about how these challenges in addition to the continued internal strife which must be addressed, are taking valuable time away from the strategizing for the 2022 presidential elections.

The Growing Pains of Democracy

As the Platform for Progress continues to address internal personnel issues that have arisen since the local elections in November 2020, it is becoming even more evident that many of these issues are being spawned as a result of a young and growing democratic movement.  And with growth comes the dynamic of new challenges.  Mirsad Hadžikadić, the president of the Platform, and I spoke about these ongoing issues, the challenges that must be addressed, and at the same time balance efforts to begin preparing for the presidential elections in 2022.

Turbulent Times for the Platform for Progress

The Platform for Progress continues to struggle with internal strife that has been plaguing the organization since the local elections back in November.  The president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadžikadić, says it has become very apparent that outsiders have infiltrated the ranks of the organization resulting in infighting, changing allegiances, defaming posts about himself and questions about who to trust these days.  Mirsad and I spoke about these troubling times and what can be done as it tries to prepare for its annual convention coming up later in the month.