Monthly Archives: May 2021

A Peaceful Protest March is Scheduled on May 30th in Sarajevo

For the second year in a row, the Platform for Progress is organizing another peaceful protest march in Sarajevo on May 30th. Last year’s event drew close to 30,000 participants right at the beginning of the pandemic. Facing similar restrictions due to the ongoing pandemic it’s really not known how many people will actually turn out. During my recent conversation with Platform president, Mirsad Hadžkadć, he was hesitant to predict what the numbers would be like. He also indicated there will be two other coordinated protests in Brussels and Geneva by Platform members at the same time.

Troubling Times Continue for the Platform for Progress

These continue to be trying times for the Platform for Progress as the internal unrest continues. During our recent conversation, the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadžikadić, spoke about the litany of events that have occurred over the course of the last couple of weeks. This had included efforts by a rogue group within the Platform to derail the recent convention that was intended to approve a new set of bylaws, to dealing with misinformation and lies that are continually being leaked to the press. In all, it is presenting a huge distraction during a time when much of the focus should be on the 2022 presidential elections.

The Fallout Continues Following a Leak to the Media

The ripple effects following the leak to the media about the Platform for Progress spearheading preliminary conversations with other opposition parties regarding the formation of a coalition continue to swell. In the words of the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadžikadić, there is “utter turmoil” within the membership. We spoke about the latest news and efforts moving forward to mitigate the rampant mistrust that has come about as a result of all of this.