Monthly Archives: September 2021

The Process of Selecting Candidate for the 2022 General Election Begins

The Platform for Progress presidential council will begin formal discussions regarding the selection of candidates for the 2022 general election. The eventual list of recommendations will include candidates at the canton level as well and the national, which would include a presidential candidate. I spoke with the president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadžikadič, about the process and what the next steps will be. We also spoke about the significance of the ongoing regional assemblies, where the leadership of the Platform in those regions is being established. A luxury the Platform was not afforded during the 2018 presidential election.

The Planning Continues for Upcoming Regional Congresses

The Platform for Progress continues its planning for key regional congresses, which are coming up later in September. The congresses are where the leadership for the Platform in those regions will be elected, which will include representatives on the Platform’s presidential council. During our recent conversation the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadžikadić also shared more information about his vision for the formation of an institute for the development of a digital society, which would be based in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but would have a global impact as well.

The Formation of an Institute for the Development of a Digital Society

The president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadžkadić, has announced plans, independent of the Platform, of the formation of an institute for the development of a digital society. We spoke in detail about his vision for the institute, and its significance no only in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but globally as well. Hadžikadić also spoke about the assemblies that are being planned in three major regions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which are crucial for establishing the Platform’s leadership in those areas moving forward.