Monthly Archives: October 2024

What does the future hold for the Platform for Progress

The Congress of the Platform for Progress will decide upon the future of the political organization when it meets on Saturday, October 26. In my recent conversation with the president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadźkadić, he shared the options that are being considered moving forward and some of his personal thoughts as he will be stepping down as president after serving six years in that role. 

Difficult Decisions Lie Ahead for the Platform for Progress

Following the disappointing results from the local elections, some true soul-searching is underway by members of the Platform for Progress. As the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadźikadić, recently shared, there are several options that are being considered, none of which will be easy for the party that was formed just six years ago.

Reflections on the Disappointing Results Following the Local Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The recent local elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina did not play out as hoped by members of the Platform for Progress. During our recent conversation, the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadźkadić, shared his disappointment and frustration with the ongoing struggles that are faced in the attempt to bring about democratic change to the country.