Voices of the Platform for Progress Movement

31 year old Anadin Tokmic resides in Charlotte with his wife, Farah.  He currently works at Wells Fargo and is pursing his Ph.D. degree in Computing and Information Systems at UNC Charlotte. Farah, is a postdoctoral Fellow at UNC Charlotte.

Born in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Anadin fled the country with his mother and brother shortly after the war began in 1992 in search of refuge in Europe. His father remained behind to fight in the war.  After moving around Europe they ended up in Germany.  However, their stay was not long lived as the German government was asking all refugees of the war to return to Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Fortunately n their case, a special exception was made by the German government as they had distant relatives residing in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and were given permission in1998 to travel to a different country in pursuit of a new life.  In 2010 Anadin moved to Charlotte after being accepted into the master’s program at UNC Charlotte.  Not knowing anyone in the city at the time he sought opportunities to connect with the local Bosnian community.  This is where he first met Mirsad and his wife Mirzeta, and they have remained close friends, almost family like as Anadin describes it, over the years. That personal relationship evolved into a student professor relationship, when Anadin joined Mirsad’s lab after being accepted into the Ph.D. program at UNC Charlotte.  I had an opportunity to speak with him shortly after the October 7, 2018 presidential election in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

Glasovi Pokreta Platforma za progress

31-godišnji Anadin Tokmić živi u Charlotteu sa suprugom Farah. Trenutno radi u Wells Fargu i pohađa doktorski studij iz Računarstva i informacionih sistema na UNC Charlotte. Farah je postdoktorska stipendistica na univerzitetu UNC Charlotte.

Anadin je rođen u Bosni i Hercegovini a iz zemlje je pobjegao s majkom i bratom nedugo nakon što je započeo rat 1992. godine, u potrazi za utočištem u Evropi. Njegov otac je ostao da se bori u ratu. Nakon kretanja po Evropi, završili su u Njemačkoj. Međutim, njihov ostanak nije dugo trajao, jer je njemačka vlada tražila od svih ratnih izbjeglica da se vrate u Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Srećom, u njihovom slučaju je njemačka vlada napravila poseban izuzetak, budući da su imali daleke rođake sa prebivalištem u Sioux Falls u Južnoj Dakoti, i dobili su dozvolu 1998. godine da otputuju u drugu zemlju u potrazi za novim životom. Anadin se 2010. godine preselio u Charlotte nakon što je primljen na master studij na univerzitetu UNC Charlotte. Ne poznavajući nikoga u gradu u to vrijeme, tražio je mogućnosti da se poveže sa lokalnom bosanskom zajednicom. Tu je prvi put upoznao Mirsada i njegovu suprugu Mirzetu, i po riječima Anadina ostali su bliski prijatelji godinama, poput porodice. Taj lični odnos razvio se u odnos između profesora i studenta kad se Anadin pridružio Mirsadovoj laboratoriji nakon što je primljen na doktorski studij na univerzitetu UNC Charlotte. Imao sam priliku s njim razgovarati ubrzo nakon predsjedničkih izbora 7. oktobra 2018. godine u Bosni i Hercegovini.

21.01.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine