Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Fallout Continues Following a Leak to the Media

The ripple effects following the leak to the media about the Platform for Progress spearheading preliminary conversations with other opposition parties regarding the formation of a coalition continue to swell. In the words of the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadžikadić, there is “utter turmoil” within the membership. We spoke about the latest news and efforts moving forward to mitigate the rampant mistrust that has come about as a result of all of this. 

Discussions Continue Regarding the Formation of a Coalition

The Platform for Progress continues to hold  meetings with leaders from other opposition parties to begin the dialogue of forming a broader coalition or possibly even a new party.  However, news of these meetings was prematurely leaked to the national media, which has resulted in quite a stir within the Platform membership.  When Mirsad Hadžikać, the president of the Platform for Progress, and I spoke he said the last several days have been spent on quality control as a restful of the leaks.  

Efforts to Break Up Bosnia and Herzegovina Are Raising Concerns

There are ongoing efforts on several fronts to break up Bosnia and Herzegovina as it currently exists.  The president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadžkadić, says this is only fueling the flames of the ongoing turmoil that exists within the country.  We spoke about why this is all happening, what it could all mean, and how it is changing his personal mission and the mission of the Platform for Progress moving forward.

More Changes for the Platform for Progress as Sights Are Now Focused on 2022 Elections

The Platform for Progress is now assessing what needs to be done to strengthen its efforts as it plans for the 2022 general elections.  The president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadžkadić, spoke with me about the need to bolster its staff with more seasoned, politically savvy individuals.  Though the official campaigning can’t begin until many months from now the messaging is and will be key moving forward.   

Discussions Continue Regarding Forming a Coalition

The Platform for Progress continues to way its options regarding forming a coalition of opposition parties for the 2022 general elections.  Platform president, Mirsad Hadžkadič, says he will be meeting with several opposition party leaders on Monday, April 12th to formally begin the dialogue.  During our recent conversation, Hadžikadič also talked about the recent expulsion of two longtime members of the Platform.

Increased Frustrations Over Politics as Usual in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Platform for Progress president, Mirsad Hadžikadić, has in his words, experienced the most difficult week of his political career.  What was thought to be a smooth transition to the appointment of the new mayor in Sarajevo was anything but.  Once again politics as usual reared its ugly head and undermined the process of this historic occasion and cast a bad light on the Platform.  Mirsad and I spoke about the challenges of the week and what this all means moving forward.

Strategic Planning for the 2022 General Elections Begins in Earnest

There has been much talk recently about whether the Platform for Progress would join a coalition of other opposition parties in a unified effort to defeat the ruling nationalist parties in the 2022 general elections.  Following a recent meeting of the Platform’s presidential council, the majority of the members voiced their support for the Platform to spearhead and form its own coalition of opposition parties and to not join another coalition or go it alone as was the case in the 2018 presidential election.  I spoke with Mirsad Hadžkadić, president of the Platform for Progress, about the significance of what this all means moving forward.  

The Platform for Progress Voices Concerns Over Proposed Changes in the Electoral Law

Platform for Progress president, Mirsad Hadžkadić, has voiced his concerns over proposed changes in the electoral law in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  As he points out there have been ongoing discussions between members of two of the ruling nationalist parties and members of the European Union.  Changes he says would create even more division within the country than currently exists.  Hadžkadić immediately sent letters to the EU and addressed the public via the media to adamantly express his displeasure with the way the process was being handled.  We spoke about his long list of concerns and the ramifications for the country should the changes be implemented.

Platforma za progres izražava zabrinutost zbog predloženih promjena Izbornog zakona 

Predsjednik Platforme za progres, Mirsad Hadžikadić, izrazio je zabrinutost zbog predloženih izmjena Izbornog zakona Bosne i Hercegovine. Kako ističe, u toku su razgovori između članova dvije vladajuće nacionalne stranke i članova Europske unije. Za te promjene kaže da bi stvorile još veću podjelu u zemlji nego što trenutno postoji. Hadžikadić je odmah poslao pisma EU i obratio se javnosti putem medija da odlučno izrazi svoje nezadovoljstvo načinom na koji se vodi taj postupak. Razgovarali smo o njegovoj dugoj listi zabrinutosti i o posljedicama za zemlju ukoliko se te promjene primijene.

26.03.2021. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine

Difficult Decisions Lie Ahead for the Platform for Progress

As the planning for the 2022 general electiosn have begun some difficult decisions lie ahead for the Platform for Progress.  Should the Platform go it alone again as it did in 2018, join an existing coalition of parties, or start its own coalition?  And of course the big question of whether Mirsad Hadžikadić, the president of the Platform, will again run for the presidency.  Mirsad and I spoke about the critical decisions that lie ahead, the timeline for making those decisions, and the pros and cons that each pose.

Elections in Bosna and Sava Will Determine Leadership Roles for the Platform

Elections in the regions of Bosna and Sava will determine leadership positions in those regions.  Another sign of the growth for the Platform for Progress since its inception in 2018. However, as Mirsad Hadžkadić president of the Platform for Progress told me during our recent conversation, this process in itself is posing its own set of challenges.  We also spoke about how these challenges in addition to the continued internal strife which must be addressed, are taking valuable time away from the strategizing for the 2022 presidential elections.