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The Platform for Progress Movement Engages the Diaspora in Three German Cities

Mirsad Hadzikadic recently traveled to Germany to conduct town hall meetings in the cities of Hamburg, Frankfort and Dusseldorf.  This is all part of the concerted effort by the Platform to formally organize there and in other countries, engage the diaspora, and urge them to become more involved with the politics in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as the countries in which they reside.  I spoke with Mirsad about his recent trip, the importance of engaging the diaspora on a global level and their critical role in establishing democracy in their homeland.  He also shared some lighter moments regarding his travel by train throughout Germany.

Pokret Platforma za progres uključuje dijasporu u tri grada u Njemačkoj

Mirsad Hadžikadić nedavno je putovao u Njemačku kako bi održao tribine u Hamburgu, Frankfurtu i Dizeldorfu. Sve to je dio zajedničkih napora Platforme da se formalno organizuje tamo i u ostalim zemljama, da se pokrene dijaspora, i da se oni potaknu da postanu uključeniji u politiku u Bosni i Hercegovini kao i u zemljama u kojima borave. Razgovarao sam sa Mirsadom o njegovom nedavnom putovanju, značaju uključivanja dijaspore na globalnom nivou, te njihovoj kritičnoj ulozi u uspostavljanju demokratije u njihovoj domovini. On je takođe sa mnom podijelio i neke smiješne zgode sa putovanja vozom kroz Njemačku.

13.12.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine


The Second Congressional Assembly of the Platform for Progress Movement Lays the Pathway Towards Democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina

November 24, 2019 proved to be yet another historic day for the Platform for Progress Movement, the city of Banja Luka and Bosnia and Herzegovina.  A sunny cool day greeted the hundreds from around the world who assembled for the Second Congressional Assembly of the Platform for Progress Movement. For over four and a half hours they gathered at the Banjaluka Convention and Trade Center in the city of Banja Luka in the Republika Srpska.  A bold and historic move in itself as it marked the first time ever that a political organization from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has held its congressional assembly in the Republika Srpska.  And despite numerous logistical and technical glitches that had to be overcome at the last minute, Mirsad Hadzikadic told me it was a historic day full of emotion.

Druga kongresna skupština Platforme za progres polaže temelje za demokratiju u Bosni i Hercegovini

Pokazalo se da je 24. novembar 2019. godine još jedan historijski dan za Platformu za progres, grad Banja Luku i Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Sunčani prohladni dan pozdravio je stotine ljudi iz svih krajeva svijeta koji su se okupili na Drugoj kongresnoj skupštini pokreta Platforma za progres. Oni su proveli preko četiri i po sata u Banjalučkom velesajmu u Banja Luci u Republici Srpskoj. To je bio jedan hrabar i historijski korak koji je označio prvi slučaj da jedna politička organizacija iz Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine održava svoju kongresnu skupštinu u Republici Srpskoj. Uprkos brojnim logističkim i tehničkim smetnjama koje su morale biti prevaziđene u posljednji trenutak, Mirsad Hadžikadić mi je rekao da je to bio historijski dan prepun emocija. 

04.12.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine


With Growth Comes New Challenges for the Platform for Progress Movement

Preparations are now in the final stages for the second Congressional Assembly of the Platform for Progress Movement, which is being held on Sunday, November 24, in Banja Luka in the Republika Srpska. The challenges of coordinating such an important event are a given.  However when I spoke with Mirsad Hadzikadic, he talked of other issues which are surfacing that must be addressed.  Issues, as he describes them, as the growing pains of introducing and establishing a democracy. 

The Congressional Assembly will be streamed live on Sunday, November 24, at 6:00 am Eastern Standard Time, US and 12:00 Bosnian time on Facebook at Mirsad Hadzikadic Platforma za progres, as well as TV Channel “Face TV Sarajevo”

S rastom dolaze novi izazovi za pokret Platforma za progres

Pripreme su sada u finalnoj fazi za drugu Kongresnu skupštinu Platforme za progres, koja se održava u nedjelju 24.11.2019. godine u Banja Luci u Republici Srpskoj. Izazovi koordinacije takvog jednog događaja se podrazumijevaju. Međutim, kad sam razgovarao sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem, on je govorio o drugim pitanjima koja izbijaju na površinu i s kojima se mora nositi. Ta pitanja, kako ih on naziva, su kao muke odrastanja uvođenja i uspostavljanja demokratije. 

Skupština će biti prenošena uživo u nedjelju, 24.11.2019. goine u 6:00 ujutro po istočnom standardnom vremenu, SAD, i 12:00 po bosanskom vremenu na Facebook-u na Mirsad Hadžikadić Platforma za progres, kao i na TV kanalu “Face TV Sarajevo“.

21.11.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine

Enthusiasm Grows as the Second Assembly of the Platform for Progress Movement Nears

The second assembly of the Platform for Progress Movement will be held on November 24 in the city of Banja Luka in the Republic of Srpska.  A bold and unprecedented move to show that the Platform represents citizens of all walks in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  When I spoke with Mirsad Hadzikadic he talked about the tireless hours being spent by the full-time employees of the Platform in addition to the countless numbers of volunteers who are finalizing the preparations.  It is a time in his words of “growing excitement and enthusiasm.”

Entuzijazam raste kako se približava druga skupština pokreta Platforma za progress

Druga skupština pokreta Platforma za progres biće održana 24. novembra u gradu Banja Luci, u Republici Srpskoj. Hrabar potez bez presedana, koji pokazuje da Platforma predstavlja građane svih opredjeljenja u Bosni i Hercegovini. Kad sam razgovarao s Mirsadom Hadžikadićem, on je govorio o satima i satima koje su stalni zaposlenici Platforme proveli na finalizaciji priprema, zajedno s mnogobrojnim volonterima. Po njegovim riječima, radi se o vremenu „rastućeg uzbuđenja i entuzijazma.“

15.11.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine

Finalizing Logistics for the Second Assembly of the Platform for Progress Movement

Mirsad Hadzikadic and other members of the Platform for Progress Movement traveled once again to Banja Luka in the Republic of Srpska, the site of the second assembly of the Platform later this month, for logistical meetings.   They then traveled to Bihac in northwest Bosnia and Herzegovina to oversee the election of regional delegates who will attend the assembly and a town hall meeting.  When I spoke with Mirsad we talked once again about the upcoming assembly and his recent meeting in Sarajevo with the ambassador from Austria.

Finaliziranje logistike za Drugu skupštinu Platforme za progres

Mirsad Hadžikadić i ostali članovi Platforme za progres još jednom su otputovali u Banja Luku u Republici Srpskoj, lokaciji izabranoj za Drugu skupštinu Platforme kasnije ovog mjeseca, na sastanak u vezi logističkih pitanja. Zatim su otputovali u Bihać na sjeverozapadu Bosne i Hercegovine, kako bi nadgledali izbor regionalnih delegata koji će prisustvovati skupštini i tribini. Kad sam razgovarao sa Mirsadom, tema je ponovo bila nadolazeća skupština, te njegov nedavni sastanak u Sarajevu sa austrijskom ambasadoricom. 

08.11.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine

Planning Continues for the Second Assembly of the Platform for Progress Movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Later this month the Platform for Progress Movement will hold is second assembly in Banja Luka in the Republic of Srpska.  During Mirsad Hadzikadic’s recent visit to Charlotte, North Carolina, we had an opportunity to sit down and speak about how the preparations are going, some of the logistical challenges, and concerns if any regarding security in lieu of this year’s location.  

Nastavlja se planiranje Druge skupštine pokreta Platforma za progres u Bosni i Hercegovini

Kasnije ovog mjeseca, pokret Platforma za progres održat će svoju Drugu skupštinu u Banja Luci u Republici Srpskoj. Za vrijeme posjete Mirsada Hadžikadića gradu Charlotte u Sjevernoj Karolini, imali smo priliku razgovarati o tome kako pripreme teku, nekim od logističkih izazova, te da li postoji zabrinutost po pitanju ovogodišnjeg izbora lokacije. 

08.11.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine

Engaging the Diaspora in Sweden and Denmark

Mirsad Hadzikadic recently traveled to Sweden and Denmark as the Platform for Progress is formally being organized in those two neighboring countries.  In Sweden, where the Platform for Progress has been officially organized, he participated in the presentation of the organizing committee and the governing board.  It was then off the Denmark, for a town hall meeting where the Platform is still in the process of being formally organized.  When we spoke Mirsad continued to emphasize the importance the diaspora and the critical role they will play in the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina.   

The Platform for Progress Movement is Officially Established in Mostar

This week marked the official organization of the Platform for Progress Movement in Mostar, the sixth largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Getting to this point for Mirsad Hadzikadic and the Movement was not without its challenges due to the inherent complexities and general makeup within the city.  But despite various roadblocks along the way, Mirsad told me it was a wonderful event which marked first gathering of the founding assembly in the city.

The Platform for Progress Movement Reaches Out to the Youth of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Platform for Progress Movement has always emphasized that it is all inclusive, a movement that is and always will be for everyone, not just a select few.  This was never more apparent than when Mirsad Hadzikadic met with a group of high school IT students in Tuzla.  Not to discuss politics but to hear what they had to say and answer their very poignant questions about their chosen profession and what the future holds for them Bosnia and Herzegovina.  His most recent travels also took him to Switzerland where he attended activities planned and hosted by the newly formed Platform for Progress Movement in Switzerland.  

Planning For the Second Assembly Meeting of the Platform for Progress Movement

Typically the assembly of the Platform for Progress Movement would meet every four years.  However, during a recent meeting of the Platform for Progress Movement governing board, members decided to hold another assembly this year as well, just one year after the founding assembly announced the formal of organization of the Movement.  Sarajevo would typically be the location of such a gathering, however this year the board decided to have the assembly meet in Banja Luka, which is located in the Republic of Srpska.  I spoke with Mirsad about this very interesting decision as well as his planned trips to Sweden and Denmark as the formal organization of the Movement in those countries is almost complete

Planiranje druge skupštine Platforme za progres 

U pravilu bi se skupština pokreta Platforma za progres održavala svake četvrte godine. Međutim, tokom nedavnog sastanka Upravnog odbora Platforme za progres, članovi su odlučili da održe još jednu skupštinu i ove godine, tek godinu dana nakon što je osnivačkom skupštinom proglašeno zvanično organizovanje ovog pokreta. Sarajevo bi u pravilu bilo lokacija za takvo okupljanje, međutim, odbor je ove godine odlučio da se skupština okupi u Banjoj Luci, koja se nalazi u Republici Srpskoj. Razgovarao sam sa Mirsadom o ovoj zanimljivoj odluci, kao i o njegovim planiranim putovanjima u Švedsku i Dansku, pošto je zvanično organizovanje pokreta u ovim zemljama skoro finalizirano. 

27.09.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine