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The March of Peace

Since 2005 the March of Peace has been held in Bosnia and Herzegovina in memory of the victims of the Srebrenica genocide in 1995 during the Bosnian War.  It was then, on July 11th, that Serbian troops overran the UN safe zone that had been established in Srebrenica despite the presence of 450 Dutch UN peacekeepers and took over the city.  In the ensuing days estimates are that between 10,000-15,000 men and boys fled to the nearest Muslim safe haven, the town of Tuzla, some 60 miles away.  It was during that attempted escape that over 8,000 men and boys would be massacred by the Bosnian Serb troops, their bodies strewn and dumped in mass graves in the surrounding woods and countryside.  The March of Peace traverses the same winding and mountainous dirt road between Srebrenica and Tuzla and is often referred to as “Death Road”.  The three day march begins in Tuzla and ends in the small village of Potocari, a suburb of Srebrenica.  It is here where the memorial center is located.  Mass graves of the remains of those who have been found dot the hillside.  In the center of town, a stone wall etched with the names of those who have been identified over the years.  On day four, July 11, a service is held to honor those who lost their lives, and hold funerals for the remains of those found and identified through DNA testing over the course of the previous year.

On July 8 of this year Mirsad and his wife Mirzeta joined thousands of others on the March of Peace.  Survivors of the genocide and family members of those who lost their lives.  Others came from small villages, towns and cities from across Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Europe and around the world to pay their respects and honor those who lost their lives during their flight from the Bosnian Serb army some 24 years ago.  Mirsad and I spoke about the emotional yet rewarding experience.

Marš mira

Od 2005. godine, u Bosni i Hercegovini se održava Marš mira, u sjećanje na žrtve srebreničkog genocida iz 1995. godine, tokom rata u Bosni. Dana 11. jula te godine, srpske snage su ušle u zonu pod zaštitom UN-a uspostavljenu u Srebrenici, uprkos prisustvu 450 holandskih pripadnika mirovnih snaga UN-a, i zauzele grad. Procjenjuje se da je u narednih nekoliko dana između 10.000 i 15.000 muškaraca i mladića prebjeglo u najbliže bezbjedno muslimansko utočište, u grad Tuzlu, koja je bila udaljena oko 100 kilometara. Tokom tog pokušaja bijega, snage bosanskih Srba su masakrirale više od 8.000 muškaraca i mladića, čija su tijela rasuta i bačena u masovne grobnice u okolnim šumama i predjelima. Marš mira prolazi istim vijugavim i planinskim zemljanim putem između Srebrenice i Tuzle, koji se često naziva i „Putem smrti“. Trodnevni marš kreće iz Tuzle i završava u Potočarima, seocetu nadomak Srebrenice. U tom selu nalazi se i memorijalni centar. Brežuljci su puni grobova s ostacima onih koji su pronađeni. U centru mjesta nalazi se kameni zid s imenima onih koji su identifikovani tokom narednih godina. Četvrtog dana, 11. jula, održava se služba u čast onih koji su izgubili živote i pokopavaju se ostaci onih koji su pronađeni i identifikovani testiranjem DNK tokom prethodne godine. 

Dana 8. jula ove godine, Mirsad i njegova supruga Mirzeta pridružili su se hiljadama drugih u Maršu mira. Onima koji su preživjeli genocid i članovima porodica onih koji su izgubili živote. Drugi su stigli iz malih sela, opština i gradova iz cijele Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske, Evrope i svijeta, kako bi odali pomen i počast onima koji su izgubili živote tokom bijega od vojske bosanskih Srba prije otprilike 24 godine. Mirsad i ja smo razgovarali o tom emotivnom, ali i dragocjenom iskustvu.

26.07.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine

New Challenges Come With the Growth of the Platform for Progress Movement

Mirsad Hadzikadic has made no secret about the fact that expecting the unexpected and dealing with those challenges is part of the growth process of the Platform for Progress Movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina and elsewhere.  This became very apparent recently in Zenica and Mostar, the fourth and sixth largest cities respectively in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  He says that infighting was alive and well following the elections of individuals who will be in charge of the Platform for Progress Movement in those cities.  Mirsad told me things became particularly intense in Zenica.

Novi izazovi dolaze s rastom pokreta Platforma za progres

Mirsad Hadžikadić otvoreno govori o činjenici da su očekivanje neočekivanog i bavljenje tim izazovima dio procesa rasta pokreta Platforma za progres u Bosni i Hercegovini i drugdje. To je postalo očito nedavno u Zenici i Mostaru, četvrtom i šestom gradu po veličini u Bosni i Hercegovini. On kaže da postoje unutrašnji sukobi nakon izbora lica koja će rukovoditi Platformom za progres u tim gradovima. Mirsad me upoznao sa činjenicom da se situacija naročito zagrijala u Zenici. 

14.07.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine

The Platform for Progress Movement Broadens Its Reach

From an Austrian Ball in Sarajevo to a soccer match in Milan.  These are very busy times for Mirsad Hadzikadic and the Platform for Progress movement as it expands its reach to encompass more people in and outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Recently this included visits to Tuzla, Zenica and Sarajevo, as well as Milan Italy.  Mirsad spoke about the significance of such outreach and what it all means for the Movement going forward.

Pokret Platforma za progres se širi

Od Austrijskog bala u Sarajevu, do fudbalske utakmice u Milanu. Mirsad Hadžikadić je ovih dana jako zauzet, dok se Platforma za progres širi i uključuje sve više ljudi u Bosni i Hercegovini, ali i izvan nje. U posljednje vrijeme posjetili su Tuzlu, Zenicu i Sarajevo, kao i Milano u Italiji. Mirsad je govorio o značaju širenja i o tome šta to znači za napredak Pokreta.  

19.06.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine

More Tell Tale Signs of How the Platform for Progress Movement is Being Embraced Across Bosnia and Herzegovina

The message of hope and change continues to be embraced by those of all walks of life in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  From a young high school student who wants to be an evangelist and share the message of the Platform for Progress Movement to fellow students; Serbs in Republika Srpska hoping for a united country; to business leaders wanting to create a corporation that will create jobs within the country and help to improve the economy.  These are all pieces of the puzzle coming together as we watch this historic time of democracy in the making unfold in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  I recently spoke with Mirsad Hadzikadic as he continues to share his vision of a new Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Još dokaza o prihvatanju pokreta Platforma za progres širom Bosne i Hercegovine

Ljudi iz svih sfera života u Bosni i Hercegovini nastavljaju da prihvataju poruku nade i promjena. Od mladog srednjoškolca koji želi da bude evanđelist i da širi poruku pokreta Platforma za progres među svojim drugovima u školi; Srba iz Republike Srpske koji se nadaju ujedinjenoj zemlji; do lidera iz poslovnog svijeta koji žele osnovati korporaciju koja će kreirati radna mjesta u zemlji i pomoći da se poboljša ekonomija. Ovo su sve dijelovi slagalice koji se polako slažu dok posmatramo ovo historijsko vrijeme bujanja razvoja demokratije u Bosni i Hercegovini. Nedavno sam razgovarao sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem dok on nastavlja da s nama dijeli svoju viziju nove Bosne i Hercegovine.

13.06.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine

The Pace Intensifies for the Platform for Progress Movement

With the observance of Ramadan officially over, Mirsad and the Platform for Progress movement will be intensifying their outreach across Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as neighboring European countries.  Formal organizational meetings are planned for at least six cities around the country in the coming week in addition to a trip to Italy.  I recently spoke with Mirsad about the objectives of these coming meetings and town hall type gatherings and a recent appearance on Al Jazeera Balkans, as more media outlets are starting to take notice. 

Pokret Platforma za progres pojačava tempo

Sad kad je mjesec ramazan i zvanično završen, Mirsad i pokret Platforma za progres intenzivirat će svoje širenje u Bosni i Hercegovini, ali i u susjednim evropskim zemljama. Naredne sedmice planirani su formalni organizacijski sastanci u najmanje šest gradova širom zemlje, pored putovanja u Italiju. Nedavno sam s Mirsadom razgovarao o ciljevima tih planiranih sastanaka i javnih tribina i nedavnom pojavljivanju na Al Jazeera Balkans, te o zapaženosti u sve više medija.

06.06.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine

One Year Since the Birth of the Platform for Progress Movement

Life for Mirsad Hadzikadic is quite reminiscent of his days on the presidential campaign trail just one short year ago.  Personal appearances around the country have become frequent once again. They are a crucial part of his daily routine, as the Movement is formally organized in cities, towns and municipalities across Bosnia and Herzegovina in preparation for the local elections in 2020 and the general election in 2022.  It’s during this outreach that Mirsad sees first hand the fruits of his labor and those who have stood beside him since the very beginning.  Citizens from all walks of life are embracing the message that together change is no longer a dream but can become a reality.  We recently spoke about his current outreach and what he is seeing and hearing as he travels the country.

Godina dana od osnivanja pokreta Platforma za progres

Život Mirsada Hadžikadića umnogome podsjeća na dane njegove predsjedničke kampanje od prije svega godinu dana. Njegova pojavljivanja po cijeloj državi ponovo su sve češća. Ona predstavljaju ključni dio njegovih svakodnevnih aktivnosti, jer je Pokret i formalno organizovan u gradovima i opštinama širom Bosne i Hercegovine u cilju pripreme za lokalne izbore koji će biti održani 2020. i opšte izbore koji će biti održani 2022. godine. Tokom tih aktivnosti, Mirsad je iz prve ruke mogao da vidi plodove svog rada, kao i one koji su uz njega od samog početka. Građani iz svih društvenih slojeva s oduševljenjem prihvataju poruku koja kaže da uz zajednički napor promjene više nisu samo san, već mogu da postanu i java. Nedavno smo razgovarali o njegovim trenutnim aktivnostima na terenu, kao i stvarima koje vidi i čuje putujući po zemlji.

29.05.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine

The First Constitutional Assembly is Formed in the US

A recent trip to the United States proved quite fruitful for Mirsad Hadzikadic and the Platform for Progress Movement.  In his US home for over 30 years, Charlotte, the first Constitutional Assembly in the US was formed.  This same process was also begun in St. Louis, the largest population of Bosnians in the US and outside of Europe, in addition to Chicago.  I had an opportunity to sit down with Mirsad in Charlotte before he headed back to Sarajevo to talk about the significance of these latest developments.

Održana prva izborno-osnivačka skupština u SAD-u

Nedavno putovanje u Sjedinjene Američke Države bilo je korisno za Mirsada Hadžikadića i Platformu za progres. U američkom gradu Charlotte, u kojem Mirsad živi već više od trideset godina, održana je prva izborno-osnivačka skupština u SAD-u. Taj je proces započet i u St. Louisu u kojem, uz Chicago, živi najveća zajednica Bosanaca u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i uopšte izvan Evrope. Sa Mirsadom sam se sreo u Charlotteu prije njegovog povratka u Sarajevo i razgovarali smo o značaju tih dešavanja.

20.05.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine

Establishing the Platform for Progress Movement on Both Sides of the Atlantic Continues

For Mirsad Hadzikadic beginning the process of formally establishing the Platform For Progress Movement in the US has been a primary focus during his recent trip stateside. He and his wife Mirzeta traveled to St. Louis where the largest population of Bosnians in the US resides.  Other formal activities are planned for Chicago and Charlotte.  We spoke following his trip to St. Louis, discussing how key it is for the Movement to become organized there as well as other key cities around the US, and the challenges moving forward with such an effort. 

Nastavlja se osnivanje pokreta Platforma za progres s obje strane Atlantskog okeana

Za Mirsada Hadžikadića, početak procesa formalnog osnivanja pokreta Platforma za progres u SAD-u bio je u centru pažnje tokom njegovog nedavnog puta u SAD. On i njegova supruga Mirzeta posjetili su St. Louis, u kojem živi najveći broj stanovnika iz BiH. Dodatne formalne aktivnosti planirane su za Chicago i Charlotte. Nakon njegovog puta u St. Louis, razgovarali smo o važnosti organizovanja Pokreta u tom gradu, ali i u drugim većim gradovima širom SAD-a, kao i o izazovima s kojima se sreću tokom realizacije tih aktivnosti.

02.05.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine

The Platform for Progress Movement Begins Organizing in St. Louis, Chicago and Charlotte, NC.

The Platform for Progress Movement is now officially organized in Sweden, with the anticipation of the formal organization of the Movement in the neighboring countries of Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Hadzikadic is now stateside once again to continue this formal process in key cities around the U.S., which include St. Louis, Chicago and Charlotte, NC, on this trip. We spoke about the most pressing tasks he that he has already embarked upon or will be during his current stay.

Počinje organizovanje Platforme za progres uSt. Louisu, Chicagu i Charlotteu u Sjevernoj Karolini

Platforma za progres je sada zvanično organizovana u Švedskoj, a očekuje se formalno organizovanje Pokreta u susjednim zemljama: Njemačkoj, Švicarskoj i Italiji. Hadžikadić je ponovo u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama zbog nastavka formalnog procesa organizovanja u ključnim gradovima, uključujući St. Louis, Chicago i Charlotte u Sjevernoj Karolini. Razgovarali smo o najhitnijim zadacima na kojima trenutno radi, kao i onima koje planira obaviti dok je ovdje.

19.04.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine


The Platform for Progress Movement Formally Begins Establishing Roots in the United States

As the Platform for Progress Movement becomes more and more established throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, there is a growing sense of excitement within the ranks of the Movement as to what it could all mean for the pending 2020 local elections.  This same excitement is being bolstered even more as the diaspora in neighboring European countries such as Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, and Germany are embracing the vision of hope and change that is spreading throughout their native land and are actively participating in the organization of the Movement in those countries.  However, the organization the Platform for Progress Movement isn’t stopping in Europe.  Mirsad Hadzikadic recently traveled back to the states to visit with family in Charlotte, but to also begin the process of organizing the Movement in key locations around the U.S.  I had the opportunity to speak with Mirsad while he was in Charlotte and he shared his thoughts about what lies ahead on this side of the Atlantic.

Pokret Platforma za progres počinje i formalno da se osniva u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama

Uporedo s osnivanjem pokreta Platforma za progres u sve više gradova i opština širom Bosne i Hercegovine, unutar Pokreta raste uzbuđenje uoči lokalnih izbora koji će biti održani 2020. godine. Uzbuđenje je još i jače među ljudima u dijaspori u evropskim zemljama kao što su Švedska, Švicarska, Austrija i Njemačka, koji sa zadovoljstvom prihvataju viziju nade i promjene koja se širi njihovom rodnom zemljom, tako da su oni aktivno uključeni u organizaciju Pokreta u tim državama. Međutim, organizacija pokreta Platforma za progres ne zaustavlja se u Evropi. Mirsad Hadžikadić je nedavno ponovo doputovao u SAD radi posjete porodici u Charlotteu, ali i zbog početka procesa organizovanja Pokreta na najznačajnijim mjestima širom SAD-a. Imao sam priliku da razgovaram s Mirsadom za vrijeme njegovog boravka u Charlotteu, i on je sa mnom podijelio neka od svojih razmišljanja kad su u pitanju predstojeće aktivnosti s ove strane Atlantskog Okeana.

10.04.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine