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Reflections on How Far the Platform for Progress Movement Has Come in Such a Short Period of Time

Mirsad Hadzikadic continues to take pause from time to time when he sees just how much has been accomplished since he announced his plans in January of 2018 to run for the Bosniak presidential council seat.  He witnesses these accomplishments on almost a daily basis as he travels throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina as he speaks with people from all walks of life, sharing the message of the Platform for Progress movement, that together they can make a difference and a better tomorrow for their country.  We spoke  about his most recent travels, which for Hadzikadic proved to be very gratifying, emotional, and heightened even more his awareness of the impact the message is having across the country.

Razmatranje dokle je pokret Platforma za progres stigao za tako kratko vrijeme 

Mirsad Hadžikadić povremeno odmori kada vidi koliko toga se postiglo od kada je u januaru 2018. godine objavio svoje polanove da se kandiduje za bošnjačkog člana Predsjedništva. Svakodnevno je svjedok ovih dostignuća dok utuje širom Bosne i Hercegovine i razgovara sa ljudima iz svih sfera života, dijeleći poruku Platforme za progres da se zajedno mogu donijeti promjene i donijeti bolje sutra svojoj državi. Razgovarali smo o njegovim najnovijim putovanjima, koja su za Hadžikadića bila vrlo prijatna, emotivna, te su još više povećala njegovu svijest o učinku koji poruka ima širom zemlje.

19.09.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine


Listening to the Voices of Bosnia and Herzegovina

For Mirsad Hadzikadic and the Platform for Progress Movement travel around the country remains at the forefront of its efforts as the Movement continues to formally organize throughout municipalities, towns and cities.  Mirsad makes a point each week to meet with as many citizens as he can.  This includes speaking at town hall meetings, meeting business owners, engaging with teachers at local schools, and yes even attending another soccer game as he strives to understand and address all of their concerns.  We spoke about his recent travels and his takeaways from numerous meetings as preparations are now in full swing for the local elections in October of 2020

Osluškivanje glasova Bosne i Hercegovine

Za Mirsada Hadžikadića i pokret Platforma za progres obilazak zemlje je u prvom planu dok traje formalno organizovanje pokreta u općinama i gradovima. Mirsad se trudi svake sedmice sastati sa što više građana. Da bi pokušao razumjeti i razmotriti njihove probleme, govorio je na tribinama, razgovarao sa vlasnicima kompanija i nastavnim osobljem lokalnih škola i ponovo gledao fudbalsku utakmicu. Razgovarali smo o njegovim nedavnim putovanjima i utiscima sa mnogobrojnih sastanaka, s obzirom na to da su pripreme za lokalne izbore u oktobru 2020. godine u punom jeku.

13.9.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine.


More Local Assemblies for the Platform for Progress Movement Are Being Formed Across Bosnia and Herzegovina.

With the local elections just over a year away the travel for Mirsad and the Platform for Progress Movement has intensified.  This, as Movement continues to formally organize in key cities, towns and municipalities across Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Mirsad and I recently spoke about these trips and his takeaways from these visits, including a meeting of the governing board of the Platform for Progress Movement in Sarajevo.

Još lokalnih skupština pokreta Platforma za progres se organizuje širom Bosne i Hercegovine

Sa lokalnim izborima koji će biti održani za tek malo više od godinu dana, putovanja Mirsada Hadžikadića i Platforme za progres se intenziviraju. To je zato što Pokret nastavlja da se formalno organizuje u ključnim gradovima i opštinama širom Bosne i Hercegovine. Mirsad i ja nedavno smo razgovarali o tim putovanjima i njegovim zaključcima sa tih posjeta, uključujući i sastanak Upravnog odbora Platforme za progres u Sarajevu.

05.09.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine.


More Signs the Message of Change is Being Embraced Throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Platform for Progress Movement continues to become more organized throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina in preparation for the local elections in 2020, which means almost daily travel by Mirsad Hadzikadic and his team.  This entails attending newly formed assemblies of the Movement, town hall type appearances, and meetings with local government officials.  I recently spoke with Mirsad as he took time to reflect upon some of these visits and the fact that it is becoming even more evident now that the message of the Movement is being heard and embraced throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina

Još znakova koji pokazuju da ljudi širom Bosne i Hercegovine prihvataju poruku promjene

Pokret Platforma za progres nastavlja se organizovati širom Bosne i Hercegovine i pripremati za lokalne izbore 2020. godine, što znači da su Mirsad Hadžikadić i njegov tim gotovo svaki dan na putu. Prisustvuju novoformiranim skupštinama Pokreta, pojavljuju se na različitim tribinama i održavaju sastanke sa lokalnim zvaničnicima. U našem nedavnom razgovoru, Mirsad se osvrnuo na neke od tih posjeta i činjenicu da je sve očitije kako se poruka pokreta čuje i prihvata širom Bosne i Hercegovine.

30.08.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine

Dealing with the Tides of Change in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Europe

For the Platform for Progress Movement these are indeed challenging times in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  There is more unrest within the current political environment regarding NATO and the European Union and the current path the country now seems to be on.  Neighboring countries are also going through their share of political unrest as well.  All issues that do not go unnoticed and are being addressed by Mirsad Hadzikadic and the Movement in their ongoing effort to bring democratic change to Bosnia and Herzegovina.  When I recently spoke with Mirsad about this he had just met with the Platform for Progress Movement’s founding assembly.  

Plivanje u plimama promjene u Bosni i Hercegovini i Evropi

Ovo je zaista vrijeme izazova za pokret Platforma za progres u Bosni i Hercegovini. Sve više je nemira u aktuelnom političkom okruženju po pitanju NATO-a i Evropske unije, te puta kojim se čini da ova zemlja kroči. Susjedne zemlje takođe prolaze kroz period političkog nespokoja. Sve ovo su pitanja koja ne prolaze neprimijećena i kojima se bavi Mirsad Hadžikadić i Pokret, u svojim naporima da uvedu demokratske promjene u Bosni i Hercegovini. Kad sam nedavno razgovarao sa Mirsadom o ovome, on se upravo bio sastao sa osnivačkom skupštinom Platforme za progres.

23.08.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine

Current Political Climate in Bosnia and Herzegovina Brings About a Heightened Sense of Urgency for the Platform for Progress Movement

The ruling presidential council in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is made up of a Bosniak, Serb and Croat representative, recently came to an agreement indicating the country will not seek membership in NATO or the Europen Union.  Membership that Mirsad Hadzikadic and the Platform for Progress Movement have advocated from the start.  I spoke with Mirsad about this recent development and what he feels this means for the country and the Platform for Progress Movement going forward.

Trenutna politička klima u Bosni i Hercegovini donosi pojačan osjećaj hitnosti za pokret Platforma za progres

Vladajuće predsjedničko vijeće u Bosni i Hercegovini, koje je sačinjeno od bošnjačkog, srpskog i hrvatskog predstavnika, nedavno je sačinilo sporazum prema kojem ova zemlja neće tražiti članstvo u NATO-u ili Evropskoj uniji. To je članstvo koje Mirsad Hadžikadić i Platforma za progres zagovaraju od samog početka. Razgovarao sam sa Mirsadom o ovim skorijim događanjima i o tome šta on misli da to znači za zemlju i za napredovanje Platforme za progres. 

16.08.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine

Outreach for the Platform for Progress Movement Isn’t Always About Votes

As the Platform for Progress Movement continues to spread its message of change and hopes as it formally organizes across Bosnia and Herzegovina in preparation for the 2020 local elections and 2022 presidential election, Mirsad Hadzikadic is often reminded that this outreach isn’t always about politics or votes.  He was deeply touched by two such recent visits. One to a small town in the Republika of Srpska and a state run orphanage in Sarajevo.

Kod širenja Platforme za progres se ne radi uvijek o glasovima

Dok pokret Platforma za progres nastavlja da širi svoju poruku promjene i nade formalnim organizovanjem širom Bosne i Hercegovine kao dio pripreme za lokalne izbore 2020. godine i predsjedničke izbore 2022. godine, Mirsad Hadžikadić ima čest podsjetnik da se kod tog širenja ne radi uvijek o politici ili glasovima. On je bio duboko dirnut dvjema takvim nedavnim posjetama. Jedna je bila posjeta jednom malom gradu u Republici Srpskoj, a druga državnom sirotištu u Sarajevu.

09.08.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine

The Platform for Progress Movement Continues to Resonate Across Bosnia and Herzegovina

As Mirsad Hadzikadic continues to direct the efforts to formally organize the Platform for Progress Movement across Bosnia and Herzegovina and neighboring countries it has become much more evident as of recent that the message is being embraced more and more by people of all walks.  But with this growth as the foundation for the Movement continues to be laid come new challenges that must be addressed.  Mirsad and I recently spoke about the immense popularity of a recent Facebook Live interview with a well known Bosnian historical scholar and the growing sense of how the message is being embraced on many levels.

Pokret Platforma za progres nastavlja da odzvanja širom Bosne i Hercegovine

Dok Mirsad Hadžikadić nastavlja da upravlja naporima da se pokret Platforma za progres formalno organizuje širom Bosne i Hercegovine i susjednih zemalja, od nedavno je takođe postalo očitije da ovu poruku prihvata sve više i više ljudi iz svih sfera života. Međutim, dok se nastavljaju polagati temelji ovog Pokreta, nailaze i novi izazovi s kojima se mora nositi. Mirsad i ja nedavno smo razgovarali o velikoj popularnosti nedavnog Fecabook intervjua uživo sa jednim poznatim bosanskim historičarem i o rastućem osjećaju prihvatanja poruke Platforme na mnogim razinama. 

04.08.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine


The March of Peace

Since 2005 the March of Peace has been held in Bosnia and Herzegovina in memory of the victims of the Srebrenica genocide in 1995 during the Bosnian War.  It was then, on July 11th, that Serbian troops overran the UN safe zone that had been established in Srebrenica despite the presence of 450 Dutch UN peacekeepers and took over the city.  In the ensuing days estimates are that between 10,000-15,000 men and boys fled to the nearest Muslim safe haven, the town of Tuzla, some 60 miles away.  It was during that attempted escape that over 8,000 men and boys would be massacred by the Bosnian Serb troops, their bodies strewn and dumped in mass graves in the surrounding woods and countryside.  The March of Peace traverses the same winding and mountainous dirt road between Srebrenica and Tuzla and is often referred to as “Death Road”.  The three day march begins in Tuzla and ends in the small village of Potocari, a suburb of Srebrenica.  It is here where the memorial center is located.  Mass graves of the remains of those who have been found dot the hillside.  In the center of town, a stone wall etched with the names of those who have been identified over the years.  On day four, July 11, a service is held to honor those who lost their lives, and hold funerals for the remains of those found and identified through DNA testing over the course of the previous year.

On July 8 of this year Mirsad and his wife Mirzeta joined thousands of others on the March of Peace.  Survivors of the genocide and family members of those who lost their lives.  Others came from small villages, towns and cities from across Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Europe and around the world to pay their respects and honor those who lost their lives during their flight from the Bosnian Serb army some 24 years ago.  Mirsad and I spoke about the emotional yet rewarding experience.

Marš mira

Od 2005. godine, u Bosni i Hercegovini se održava Marš mira, u sjećanje na žrtve srebreničkog genocida iz 1995. godine, tokom rata u Bosni. Dana 11. jula te godine, srpske snage su ušle u zonu pod zaštitom UN-a uspostavljenu u Srebrenici, uprkos prisustvu 450 holandskih pripadnika mirovnih snaga UN-a, i zauzele grad. Procjenjuje se da je u narednih nekoliko dana između 10.000 i 15.000 muškaraca i mladića prebjeglo u najbliže bezbjedno muslimansko utočište, u grad Tuzlu, koja je bila udaljena oko 100 kilometara. Tokom tog pokušaja bijega, snage bosanskih Srba su masakrirale više od 8.000 muškaraca i mladića, čija su tijela rasuta i bačena u masovne grobnice u okolnim šumama i predjelima. Marš mira prolazi istim vijugavim i planinskim zemljanim putem između Srebrenice i Tuzle, koji se često naziva i „Putem smrti“. Trodnevni marš kreće iz Tuzle i završava u Potočarima, seocetu nadomak Srebrenice. U tom selu nalazi se i memorijalni centar. Brežuljci su puni grobova s ostacima onih koji su pronađeni. U centru mjesta nalazi se kameni zid s imenima onih koji su identifikovani tokom narednih godina. Četvrtog dana, 11. jula, održava se služba u čast onih koji su izgubili živote i pokopavaju se ostaci onih koji su pronađeni i identifikovani testiranjem DNK tokom prethodne godine. 

Dana 8. jula ove godine, Mirsad i njegova supruga Mirzeta pridružili su se hiljadama drugih u Maršu mira. Onima koji su preživjeli genocid i članovima porodica onih koji su izgubili živote. Drugi su stigli iz malih sela, opština i gradova iz cijele Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske, Evrope i svijeta, kako bi odali pomen i počast onima koji su izgubili živote tokom bijega od vojske bosanskih Srba prije otprilike 24 godine. Mirsad i ja smo razgovarali o tom emotivnom, ali i dragocjenom iskustvu.

26.07.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine

New Challenges Come With the Growth of the Platform for Progress Movement

Mirsad Hadzikadic has made no secret about the fact that expecting the unexpected and dealing with those challenges is part of the growth process of the Platform for Progress Movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina and elsewhere.  This became very apparent recently in Zenica and Mostar, the fourth and sixth largest cities respectively in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  He says that infighting was alive and well following the elections of individuals who will be in charge of the Platform for Progress Movement in those cities.  Mirsad told me things became particularly intense in Zenica.

Novi izazovi dolaze s rastom pokreta Platforma za progres

Mirsad Hadžikadić otvoreno govori o činjenici da su očekivanje neočekivanog i bavljenje tim izazovima dio procesa rasta pokreta Platforma za progres u Bosni i Hercegovini i drugdje. To je postalo očito nedavno u Zenici i Mostaru, četvrtom i šestom gradu po veličini u Bosni i Hercegovini. On kaže da postoje unutrašnji sukobi nakon izbora lica koja će rukovoditi Platformom za progres u tim gradovima. Mirsad me upoznao sa činjenicom da se situacija naročito zagrijala u Zenici. 

14.07.2019. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicime Bosne i Hercegovine