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Counting the Votes: Bosnian Presidential Candidate Mirsad Hadzikadic Discusses the Process and in His Words the “Rampant Corruption.”

Mirsad learned this week that representatives from his campaign along with those of the other candidates will have a presence at select voting locations across Bosnia and Herzegovina on election day on October 7.  Their roles will be to oversee the voting process and the counting of the votes at the select locations.  On the surface, it would appear this would be encouraging news for his campaign. But as Mirsad pointed out to me political corruption runs rampant in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to his amazement, there is nothing clandestine about any of it.

Brojanje glasova: Diskusija sa kandidatom za predsjednika Bosne i Hercegovine Mirsadom Hadžikadićem o procesima i, prema njegovim riječima, „obijesnoj korupciji“

Mirsad je ove sedmice saznao da će predstavnici njegove kampanje, zajedno sa predstavnicima drugih kandidata, na dan izbora 7. oktobra prisustvovati odabranim glasačkim mjestima širom Bosne i Hercegovine. Njihova uloga bit će da nadgledaju proces glasanja i brojanja glasova na odabranim lokacijama. Izgleda kao da su ovo ohrabrujuće vijesti za njegovu kampanju. Međutim, kako mi je Mirsad naglasio, politička korupcija je jako rasprostranjena u Bosni i Hercegovini i, na njegovo čuđenje, ništa od toga se ne krije.

14.08.2018. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine

Mirsad Hadzikadic’s Presidential Campaign Takes Him to Sarajevo for a Town Hall Meeting

Sarajevo is the largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina so Mirsad was very pleased when the opportunity arose recently to hold a town hall meeting there, his first in Sarajevo.  The setting was the historic Museum of Literature and Performing Arts in the heart of the city.  It is located in an old family house that was built in the middle of the 19th century and is considered a cultural-historical monument, which is now owned by the state.  The interior and exterior designs of the home, including the gorgeous courtyard, offer a step back in time for any visitor.  As Mirsad describes it evening started with some unexpected developments.  Plans to hold the meeting in the beautiful courtyard had to be moved inside the museum do to heavy rains that day.  And traffic flow to the museum was blocked as veterans of the Bosnian War, some 20 years ago, were protesting in front of the parliament near the museum.  But despite these minor setbacks over 120 locals from all walks of life attended. People from public life, some politicians, actors and much to Mirsad’s delight, many many young people.  And unlike the other candidates, Mirsad not only takes time to speak about his vision for the country but also fields questions from the audience.  What was to have been a two hour town hall meeting ran for two hours and forty-five minutes.  It could have gone longer had Mirsad not stopped questions as some attendees had to leave. He took this as a great sign. Unlike in the United States, Mirsad can not ask people to vote for him until one month out from the October 7 election. So right now it is all about the message and urging people to cast their vote for whomever they choose.  He was very encouraged on that evening in Sarajevo as he truly believed the attendees did get his message.  He explained that the most important thing they can do right now is get energized and become activists as he needs their help to spread his message.  It was then home for the evening, get some much needed sleep, and hit the campaign trail once again the following morning.  We talked about the rigors of the daily schedule and the growing excitement within his campaign team as the election is now just two months away.

Predsjednička kampanja Mirsada Hadžikadića odvela ga je u Sarajevo na javnu tribinu

Sarajevo je najveći grad Bosne i Hercegovine, pa je Mirsadu bilo jako drago kad se nedavno ukazala prilika da tamo održi javnu tribinu, svoju prvu u Sarajevu. Događaj je održan u historijskom Muzeju književnosti i pozorišne umjetnosti u srcu grada. On je smješten u jednoj staroj porodičnoj kući koja je izgrađena sredinom 19. vijeka i koja se smatra kulturno-historijskim spomenikom koji je sada u vlasništvu države. Dizajn enterijera i eksterijera kuće, uključujući i prekrasno dvorište, nude korak unatrag u vremenu svakom posjetitelju. Kako Mirsad opisuje, večer je započela neočekivanim događajima. Umjesto da skup bude održan u prekrasnom dvorištu, morali su se preseliti unutra zbog obilne kiše toga dana. Saobraćaj do muzeja bio je blokiran jer su veterani bosanskog rata koji se dogodio prije dvadesetak godina protestovali ispred obližnje zgrade parlamenta. Uprkos tim manjim smetnjama, tribini je prisustvovalo preko 120 građana iz svih slojeva života. Ljudi iz javnog života, političari, glumci i na Mirsadovo oduševljenje, brojni mladi ljudi. Za razliku od ostalih kandidata, Mirsad ne samo da posveti vrijeme da govori o svojoj viziji države, nego i odgovara na pitanja iz publike. Ono što je trebala biti dvosatna javna tribina trajalo je dva sata i četrdeset i pet minuta. Trajalo bi i duže da Mirsad nije zaustavio pitanja jer su neki od prisutnih morali da odu. On je ovo vidio kao sjajan znak. Za razliku od Sjedinjenih Država, Mirsad ne može tražiti od ljudi da glasaju za njega sve do jedan mjesec pred izbore koji će biti održani 7. oktobra. Dakle, sada se radi o širenju poruke i pozivanju ljudi da glasaju za koga god žele. Bio je vrlo ohrabren te večeri u Sarajevu jer je zaista ubijeđen da su prisutni razumjeli njegovu poruku. Objasnio je da je najvažnija stvar koju trenutno mogu uraditi to da se pokrenu i postanu aktivisti, jer mu je potrebna njihova pomoć u širenju poruke. Onda je došlo vrijeme za odlazak kući i neophodni san, kako bi se sljedećeg jutra nastavilo kretanje putanjom kampanje. Razgovarali smo o prenapunjenosti njegovog dnevnog rasporeda i o sve većem uzbuđenju u njegovom timu za kampanju s obzirom da su izbori za samo dva mjeseca.

08.08.2018. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine

Mirsad Hadzikadic: Musings from the Campaign Trail in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The pace has quickened for Mirsad as the presidential election in Bosnia and Herzegovina is only two months away.  There really is no such thing as a typical day other than they are long.  Depending on what part of the country Mirsad is canvassing and the towns or cities he might be visiting, the days can start at seven or eight in the morning and not end until well into the wee hours the following morning, leaving little time for sleep before hitting the campaign trail once again.  These appearances include town hall meetings, talks to IT industry professionals, addressing students and professors at area universities and informal meet and greets at local cafe’s throughout the country as he listens to the concerns of the local citizens and shares his vision for the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  I spoke with Mirsad during a short break from campaigning all day and getting ready for his first town hall meeting in Sarajevo that same evening.  Earlier in the day he was one of two keynote speakers at an IT technological and entrepreneurial related conference in Tuzla, the third-largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, as he explains, you would never know it from the national media coverage of the event.  He took the time to share with me the ongoing obstacles presented by the national media and the other hurdles he encounters across the country on a daily basis

Mirsad Hadžikadić: Razmišljanja s predizborne kampanje u Bosni i Hercegovini

Mirsadov tempo je sada ubrzan jer su predsjednički izbori u Bosni i Hercegovini za samo dva mjeseca. Tipičan dan zaista ne postoji, osim što su svi dani dugi. Zavisno od toga koji dio zemlje ili koje gradove Mirsad posjećuje, dan može početi u sedam ili osam ujutro i završiti tek u sitne sate sljedećeg jutra, ostavivši vrlo malo vremena za spavanje prije nastavka aktivnosti predizborne kampanje. Ovi nastupi uključuju javne tribine, razgovore sa stručnjacima iz IT industrije, obraćanje studentima i profesorima na univerzitetima u regiji, neformalne sastanke u lokalnim kafićima širom zemlje dok sluša o brigama građana i govori o svojoj viziji budućnosti Bosne i Hercegovini. Razgovarao sam s Mirsadom tokom kratke pauze od kampanje i priprema za prvu javnu tribinu u Sarajevu iste večeri. Ranije tog dana bio je jedan od dva glavna govornika na konferenciji na temu IT tehnologija i preduzetništva u Tuzli, trećem po veličini gradu u Bosni i Hercegovini. Međutim, kako objašnjava, to nikada ne biste saznali iz izvještaja državnih medija o tom događaju. Sa mnom je razgovarao o stalnim preprekama koje predstavljaju državni mediji kao i o drugim preprekama s kojima se svakodnevno susreće širom zemlje.

02.08.2018. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine


Along the March of Peace with Mirsad Hadzikadic

Mirsad knew the three days of the March were going to be physically and emotionally demanding; a true test of his fortitude and strength. Mirsad participated in the March of Peace, which has been held every year since 2005 in memory of the victims of the Srebrenica genocide that occurred during the Bosnian War.  On July 11th, 1995,  Serbian troops overran Srebrenica’s safe zone, which had been established by the UN and occupied by over 450 Dutch UN peacekeepers. Despite these numbers, the Serbian troops took the city.  In the ensuing days, an estimated 10,000-15,000 men and boys fled to Tuzla, the nearest Muslim safe haven, located over 60 miles from Srebrenica.  It was during that attempted escape that the Bosnian Serb troops would massacre over 8,000 men and boys, their bodies unceremoniously dumped in mass graves in the surrounding woods and countryside.  The March of Peace traverses “Death Road,” that same winding, mountainous dirt road between Srebrenica and Tuzla.

The three-day march begins in Tuzla and ends in the small village of Potocari, a suburb of Srebrenica, where the memorial center is located.  Mass graves of the remains of those who have been found and identified dot the hillside.  In the center of town, a stone wall etched with the names of those who have been identified over the years.  On July 11th, the final day of the march, a service is held to honor those who lost their lives.  Funerals are held for discovered remains that have been identified through DNA testing over the course of the previous year.

On July 8, 2018, Mirsad joined six to eight thousand other participants as they began their three day trek to Potocari.  The crowd included survivors of the genocide and family members of those who lost their lives. Others came from small villages, towns and cities from across Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Europe and around the world to honor and pay their respects to those who lost their lives during their flight from the Bosnian Serb army some 23 years ago.  This was not a time for campaigning, but rather a time to coalesce with survivors and learn their stories, meet family members of those who lost their lives, and speak with people from around the world who had traveled so many miles to be a part of this. 

Day one was a mixed day of sun and rain as the participants made their way over the rugged hills and the mountainous road where thousands had fled for their lives.  At the end of each day, participants had the option of staying in a makeshift camp along the road or in the homes of those along the march route.  Mirsad elected to stay in the homes of the locals, so he could listen to their stories and recollections of those fateful days in 1995. He met a 72-year-old widow who had lost her husband and two sons.  He was struck by how positive and upbeat she remains to this day despite her horrific losses.  Another elder, experiencing the onslaught of dementia, has virtually lost her short-term memory but can paint a vivid picture of those days in 1995.  Mirsad said the stories were endless and immensely touching throughout the journey.

Day two proved to be the hardest physically pushing the participants to their limits as torrential rains released their fury throughout the day.  There were steep inclines to negotiate across the hilly terrain.  To better accommodate the thousands of marchers, the government had widened the road by cutting trees alongside its edges.  Unfortunately, removing the trees also opened the road to flooding.  The steep inclines had been transformed into a river of knee deep mud.  Many lost their footing, sliding back into the arms of others, unable to regain their balance and needing assistance to get to the top. The feeling of togetherness and community was palpable as strangers—Mirsad included— leaned on each other, both needing and providing the assistance necessary for completing the treacherous 20-mile pilgrimage.

On day three, the sun appeared once again, making travel much safer and less strenuous.  The locals brought much-welcomed food and water to the marchers during the final leg of the march. On this last day, Mirsad met a man who had participated in the march for many years. He told Mirsad that entering the village of Potacari would be unforgettable and change his life forever.  Mirsad was aware of the mass graves along the hillside and believed that he was prepared for the emotions the site was sure to invoke.  However, he was unprepared for the visceral reaction, the onslaught of feeling that he experienced when they arrived on the outskirts of the village. His friend was right: the experience would change his life forever.  I spoke with Mirsad about this experience.

Maršom mira sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem

Mirsad je znao da će tri dana Marša biti fizički i emocionalno zahtjevna; pravi test njegove izdržljivosti i snage. Mirsad je učestvovao u Maršu mira koji se od 2005. održava svake godine u znak sjećanja na žrtve genocida u Srebrenici koji se dogodio tokom bosanskog rata. 11. jula 1995. godine, srpske trupe pregazile su UN-ovu sigurnu zonu Srebrenice i zarobile preko 450 članova UN-ovih holandskih mirovnih snaga. Uprkos tim brojkama, srpske trupe su zauzele grad. U narednim danima, oko 10.000-15.000 muškaraca i dječaka pobjeglo je u Tuzlu, najbliže muslimansko sigurno utočište smješteno preko 100 km od Srebrenice. Tokom tog pokušaja bijega trupe bosanskih Srba masakrirale su preko 8.000 muškaraca i dječaka, a njihova tijela su neceremonijalno bačena u masovne grobnice po okolnim šumama. Marš mira prolazi „Putem smrti“, istim tim vijugavim, brdskim zemljanim putem između Srebrenice i Tuzle.

Trodnevni marš započinje u Tuzli, a završava se u malom selu Potočari, predgrađu Srebrenice, gdje se nalazi memorijalni centar. Grobovi posmrtnih ostataka onih koji su pronađeni i identifikovani prošarali su padinu brda. U središtu grada je kameni zid sa urezanim imenima onih koji su identifikovani tokom godina. 11. jula, posljednjeg dana marša, održava se služba u čast onima koji su izgubili živote. Održi se sahrana onih čiji ostaci su identifikovani DNK testiranjem tokom prethodne godine.

8. jula 2018. godine, Mirsad se pridružio ostalim učesnicima marša– njih šest do osam hiljada, koji su krenuli na svoje trodnevno putovanje do Potočara. Među učesnicima marša su bili i oni koji su preživjeli genocid te članovi porodica onih koji su izgubili život. Ostali su došli iz malih sela, gradića i gradova iz cijele Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske, Evrope i širom svijeta kako bi izrazili uvažavanje i odali počast onima koji su izgubili živote za vrijeme tog bijega od vojske bosanskih Srba prije oko 23 godine. Ovo nije bilo vrijeme za kampanju, nego vrijeme za okupljanje sa preživjelima i učenje njihovih priča, sastajanje sa članovima porodica onih koji su izgubili život i razgovor s ljudima iz cijelog svijeta koji su prešli tolike kilometre da bi učestvovali u maršu.

Prvi dan su se kiša i sunce smjenjivali dok su se sudionici probijali preko neravnih brežuljaka i brdskog puta kojim su hiljade ljudi bježali kako bi spasili živote. Na kraju svakog dana, sudionici su imali mogućnost boravka u improvizovanom kampu uz cestu ili u domovima onih duž rute Marša mira. Mirsad je izabrao da ostane u domovima mještana, kako bi mogao slušati njihove priče i sjećanja na te kobne dane 1995. godine. Upoznao je 72-godišnju udovicu koja je izgubila muža i dva sina. Zapanjilo ga je koliko pozitivna i optimistična ostaje do dan-danas, uprkos svojim užasnim gubicima. Jedna druga starica koja boluje od demencije praktički je izgubila kratkotrajno pamćenje, ali živopisno opisuje događaje iz 1995. godine. Mirsad je rekao da su priče bile beskrajne i neizmjerno dirljive tokom cijelog putovanja.

Pokazalo se da je drugi dan bio najteži, gurnuvši učesnike marša do krajnjih granica izdržljivosti, jer su obilne kiše bijesnile tokom cijelog dana. Učesnici su morali preći preko strmina brdovitog terena. Da bi bolje uslužila hiljade učesnika marša, vlada je proširila put tako što su dali da se posiječe drveće uz rubove puta. Nažalost, uklanjanje drveća takođe je omogućilo poplave. Strme kosine pretvorile su se u rijeku blata dubokog do koljena. Mnogi bi se poskliznuli i pali u ruke ostalih iza sebe, ne mogavši vratiti ravnotežu i trebavši pomoć da se uspnu do vrha. Osjećaj zajedništva i sloge bio je opipljiv dok su se stranci – uključujući i Mirsada – oslanjali jedni na druge, i dajući i primajući pomoć neophodnu za završetak opasnog hodočašća od 30 kilometara.

Trećeg dana sunce se ponovo pojavilo, učinivši putovanje mnogo bezbjednijim i manje napornim. Mještani su učesnicima marša donijeli uvelike dobrodošlu hranu i vodu tokom finalne faze marša. Tog posljednjeg dana, Mirsad je upoznao čovjeka koji je dugi niz godina učestvovao u maršu. On je Mirsadu rekao će ulazak u selo Potačari biti nezaboravan i zauvijek mu promijeniti život. Mirsad je bio svjestan groblja na obroncima brda i vjerovao je da je bio spreman za emocije koje će to mjesto sigurno zazvati. Međutim, nije bio spreman na nagonsku reakciju, nalet osjećaja koji je doživio kad su stigli na rub sela. Njegov prijatelj bio je u pravu: to iskustvo će mu zauvijek promijeniti život. Razgovarao sam s Mirsadom o tom iskustvu.

30.07.2017. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine

Mirsad Hadzikadic Carrying the Message of Change on the Campaign Trail in Bosnia And Herzegovina

From the very beginning, Mirsad has talked about his want to invoke change in his native land as he runs for president of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  Change he feels is imperative in order for the country to move forward and not back to the ways of the past.  He carries this message and the inner drive to instill hope in the electorate that they, not just him, can and must be the catalyst of that change as he canvasses the country.  We spoke about his vision and how his message is being received on the campaign trail

Mirsad Hadžikadić prenosi poruku promjene u Bosni i Hercegovini 

Od samog početka kad se kandidovao za člana Predsjedništva Bosne i Hercegovine, Mirsad govori o svojoj želji da poziva na promjene u svojoj rodnoj zemlji. On smatra da su promjene imperativ da bi ta zemlja kročila naprijed umjesto unatrag. Obilazeći zemlju, on sa sobom nosi tu poruku i unutarnji nagon da uliva nadu u biračko tijelo da i oni, a ne samo on, mogu i moraju biti katalizator tih promjena. Razgovarali smo o njegovoj viziji te na kakav prijem je naišla njegova poruka tokom kampanje.

13.07.2018. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine


Mirsad Hadzikadic: Preparing for the Campaign

For Mirsad the reality of what he was about to embark upon truly took hold as is set foot in Bosnia and Herzegovina in May.  The thoughts of family that he had left behind in the U.S., why he had decided to run, why he was there and what he wanted to accomplish, and waking each morning knowing this trip would be like none other that he experienced before in his homeland would never leave.  However, the “mechanics” as he described them of what he was about to embark upon immediately set in.  Logistics, a campaign team, strategies, challenges, messaging, hitting the campaign trail were now immediately confronting him.  We talked shortly after his arrival as he reflected on those first two to three weeks in his native land and what needed to be done to facilitate his hope of bringing change to Bosnia and Herzegovina and becoming the next president.

Mirsad Hadžikadić: pripreme za kampanju 

Za Mirsada je uistinu zaživjela realnost onoga u šta se otisnuo kad je u maju otišao u Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Ramišljanja o porodici koju je ostavio u SAD-u, zašto se odlučio kandidovati, zašto je otišao tamo i šta želi postići, te buđenje svako jutro uz saznanje da će ovo putovanje biti drugačije od svih ostalih koje je doživio u svojoj domovini, nikad ga ne napuštaju. Međutim, „mehanizam“, kako ga on opisuje, onoga u šta se upustio je odmah pokrenut. Logistika, tim za kampanju, strategije, izazovi, širenje poruke i kretanje sa predizbornom kampanjom odmah su iskočili pred njega. Razgovarali smo nedugo nakon njegovog dolaska, dok se osvrtao na prve dvije-tri sedmice u rodnoj zemlji i na ono što se treba uraditi kako bi se pomoglo njegovoj nadi da donese promjene u Bosni i Hercegovini i postane sljedeći predsjednik.

09.07.2018. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine

Mirsad Hadzikadic Facing and Accepting the Challenges of Running for President of Bosnia and Herzegovina

For Mirsad the inherent realities associated with running for president of Bosnia and Herzegovina come with no surprises for him.  They include the inevitable dangers faced when running for an office of this magnitude.  Dangers that he has personally accepted and will not let deter him from his ultimate goal of bringing change to his native land and becoming the next president.

Mirsad Hadžikadić se suočava i prihvata izazov kandidature za predsjednika Bosne i Hercegovine

Za Mirsada realnosti svojstvene kandidaturi za predsjednika Bosne i Hercegovine ne predstavljaju iznenađenje. One uključuju neizbježne opasnosti s kojima se neko suočava kad se kandiduje za ovako visoku poziciju. Opasnosti koje je on prihvatio i neće dopustiti da ga odvrate od konačnog cilja da donese promjene u svoju rodnu zemlju i postane sljedeći predsjednik.

25.06.2018. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine


Mirsad Hadzikadic’s Quest For Change and the Presidency In His Native Land of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The decision to run for president of Bosnia and Herzegovina did not come easily for Mirsad.  After consulting with many, which included family, friends and associates in the United States and well as Bosnia and Herzegovina, the overall consensus was that it could not be done.  But never one to be deterred, he still decided to run for office.  This meant leaving a wife of nearly 42 years along with two grown children and grandchildren behind in Charlotte, North Carolina as well as his many colleagues and business associates.  In addition, he is taking a sabbatical from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where he has been a professor for over 30 years. We spoke about his decision and his realistic ambitions going into this latest chapter of his illustrious career and the ongoing evolution of those ambitions

Potraga Mirsada Hadžikadića za promjenama i pozicijom člana Predsjedništva u njegovoj domovini Bosni i Hercegovini

Odluku da se kandiduje za predsjednika Bosne i Hercegovine Mirsad nije donio olako. Nakon savjetovanja s mnogima, što uključuje porodicu, prijatelje i saradnike iz Sjedinjenih Država kao i Bosne i Hercegovine, postignut je opšti konsenzus da se to ne može izvesti. Ali kao osoba koju je nemoguće odvratiti, on je ipak odlučio da se kandiduje. To je značilo ostaviti suprugu s kojom je u braku skoro 42 godine, kao i dvoje odrasle djece i unučad u Charlotteu u Sjevernoj Karolini, te brojne kolege i poslovne saradnike. Uz to on uzima studijski dopust na Univerzitetu Sjeverne Karoline u Charlotteu, gdje je profesor više od 30 godina.  Razgovarali smo o njegovoj odluci i njegovim realnim ambicijama glede ulaska u ovo najnovije poglavlje njegove istaknute karijere i o aktuelnom razvoju tih ambicija.

18.06.2018. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine



Who is Mirsad Hadzikadic?

Born in Banja Luka (of then Yugoslavia) Mirsad Hadzikadic came to the United States in 1984 to study for and ultimately receive his Ph.D. degree in computer science from Southern Methodist University where he was a Fulbright Scholar.  With degree in hand, in 1987 he became an Assistant Faculty Professor of Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.  In 1989 he returned to his native country with every intention of staying and pursuing his computer science career there.  However, things had changed; the country that he left some five years before was transitioning from socialism to capitalism. It seemed that, in his words, “no one cared about research and development,” which was his passion, so he returned to the United States.

His return to the U.S. set him on a path towards an illustrious career in academia and business. He used his passion for research and development to bring together academia, industry and federal agencies with the aim to advance computing simulation, analysis, and modeling by addressing hard-to-solve world problems in a systemic approach.  He remains a professor at UNC Charlotte, where he has been a leader and innovator of change serving as Chair of Computer Science and as the Associate Director and Director of the School of Information Technology.  He also helped shepherd the transition from UNC Charlotte’s College of Engineering to an independent College of Computing and Informatics and served as its founding dean. He currently is the founding Executive Director of the Data Science Initiative and founding Director of the Complex Systems Institute. His want to learn and be a catalyst for social change led him to receive a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Harvard Kennedy School of Government.  He has served as the Director of the Department of Medical Informatics and Department of Orthopedic Informatics of the Carolinas HealthCare System and the Manager of the Health Systems Integration Service Line at Deloitte and Touche.  Never forgetting his roots, he founded and served as President of the Advisory Council for Bosnia and Herzegovina in Washington D.C. and the Bosnian-American Academy of Science and Arts.

Mirsad’s remarkable career continues to grow more impressive.  His next move is no less prestigious than the Bosnian presidency.  Last fall, Mirsad received a phone call from a dear friend in Bosnia asking, “how about you competing for the seat on the presidency?”  Mirsad says this was the first time that he had ever consciously considered such a move.  After ruminating on the idea, he sought the advice of others, the majority of whom said it couldn’t be done.  Undeterred, he remembered the words of his friend who said: “there may not be another election within Bosnia as we know it because it will probably disintegrate.”  That, he says, is what pushed him over the debt threshold of the decision.  “If that is so, who am I, that I because of the comforts I have, decided not to even try?” said Mirsad on his decision to run for president. 

Over the next several months and beyond, we will be chronicling his next mission in life, the drive to invoke change in his native land of Bosnia and Herzegovina as he runs for president. 

Ko je Mirsad Hadžikadić?

Rođen u Banjaluci (u tadašnjoj Jugoslaviji), Mirsad Hadžikadić došao je u Sjedinjene Države 1984. godine kako bi studirao i na kraju doktorirao iz oblasti kompjuterskih nauka na Univerzitetu Southern Methodist gdje je bio Fulbrightov stipendist. Sa doktorskom diplomom u ruci, 1987. godine postao je vanredni profesor kompjuterskih nauka na Univerzitetu Sjeverne Karoline (UNC) u Charlotteu. 1989. godine vratio se u rodnu zemlju sa namjerom da tu ostane i nastavi karijeru u oblasti kompjuterskih nauka. Međutim, stvari su se promijenile; zemlja koju je napustio pet godina ranije prelazila je iz socijalizma u kapitalizam. Činilo se da, prema njegovim riječima, „niko nije mario za istraživanje i razvoj“, što je bila njegova strast, pa se vratio u Sjedinjene Države. 

Po povratku u SAD, krenuo je putem istaknute karijere u akademskoj zajednici i biznisu. Svoju strast za istraživanje i razvoj iskoristio je kako bi okupio akademsku zajednicu, industriju i federalne agencije s ciljem unapređenja kompjuterskih simulacija, analize i modeliranja baveći se teško rješivim svjetskim problemima primjenom sistemskog pristupa. I dalje je profesor na UNC Charlotte, gdje je lider i inovator promjena, obnašajući ulogu predsjedavajućeg Katedre za kompjuterske nauke te zamjenika direktora i direktora Fakulteta za informacijske tehnologije. Takođe je pomogao u procesu tranzicije Koledža za inžinjering Univerziteta Sjeverne Karoline u nezavisni Koledž računarstva i informatike, obnašajući ulogu njegovog dekana osnivača. Trenutno je izvršni direktor i osnivač Inicijative za nauku o podacima te osnivač i prvi direktor Instituta kompleksnih sistema. Njegova želja da uči i bude katalizator društvenih promjena dovela ga je do magisterija iz javne uprave na Fakultetu za upravu „Kennedy“ univerziteta Harvard. Radio je i kao direktor Odjela za medicinsku informatiku i Odjela za ortopedsku informatiku na Carolinas HealthCare System, te kao direktor Službe za integraciju zdravstvenih sistema u Deloitte & Touche. Nikada ne zaboravivši svoje korijenje, osnovao je i bio predsjednik Savjetodavnog vijeća za Bosnu i Hercegovinu u Washington D.C.-u te Bosanskohercegovačko-američke akademije nauka i umjetnosti.

Mirsadova izvanredna karijera i dalje postaje sve impresivnija. Njegov sljedeći korak je ni manje ni više nego bosansko predsjedništvo. Prošle jeseni Mirsad je primio telefonski poziv dragog prijatelja iz Bosne koji ga je pitao: „Kako bi bilo da se kandiduješ za člana Predsjedništva?“ Mirsad kaže da je to bilo prvi put da svjesno razmisli o jednom takvom potezu. Nakon što je razmotrio tu ideju, potražio je i savjete ostalih, od kojih su većina rekli da se to ne može učiniti. Nepokolebljiv, prisjetio se riječi svog prijatelja koji je rekao: „Možda neće ni biti novih izbora u Bosni kakvu poznajemo, jer će se ona vjerovatno raspasti.“ To je, kaže, ono što je prevagnulo u donošenju odluke. „Ako je to tako, ko sam ja da zbog vlastite udobnosti odlučim da i ne pokušam?“ rekao je Mirsad o svojoj odluci da se kandiduje za predsjednika.

Tokom sljedećih nekoliko mjeseci i kasnije, bilježit ćemo njegovu sljedeću životnu misiju: težnju da donese promjene u svojoj rodnoj zemlji Bosni i Hercegovini kandidovanjem za predsjednika.