Category Archives: Uncategorized

Spreading the Message Through Social Media

Social media has been a good friend to the Platform For Progressive when getting its message out to the public. Now is no different as the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadžikadić, has begun posting a series of recorded video messages, where he addresses many of the serious issues facing Bosnia and Herzegovina following the general elections in November of 2022. We recently spoke of this renewed social media push in lieu of the lack of exposure through the national media outlets.

Mirsad Hadžikadić Appears on National TV

For the first time since the general elections in November of 2022, the president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadžikadić, was interviewed on national TV in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Hadžikadić took the opportunity to explain his lengthy hiatus, the restructuring of the Platform for Progress, and address the issues that continue to cause strife within the country.

The New Bylaws Have Been Unanimously Approved by the Platform for Progress

Following a very lengthy process the congress of the Platform for Congress has unanimously approved a set of new bylaws which will set the course for the future. It is all part of the restructuring process which came about following the very disappointing results during the general election in November of 2022. In my recent conversation with the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadžikadić, he spoke about the process and what it means moving forward in preparation for the local elections in the Fall of 2024.

The Congress of the Platform for Progress Will Meet on March 18th

Following a lengthy review process of the newly proposed bylaws for the Platform for Progress, delegates will finally have their opportunity to ratify or oppose the proposed changes on March 18th. During our recent conversation the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadžikadić, spoke about the lengthy process and exactly what will be happening during the March 18th meeting of the Congress. This will all set the trajectory of the Platform as the strategizing for the local elections in 2024 begins.

The Lengthy Review Process of the Proposed New Bylaws Continues

The statutory committee of the Platform for Progress continues it review of the recommended changes to the first draft of the proposed new bylaws. In my recent conversation with the president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadžikadić, he shared more about the process and how it is unique and not the norm for other parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

New Bylaws Under Review For the Platform for Progress

The recommended changes to the bylaws of the Platform for Progress remain under review following a series of recommendations. Once approved by the executive committee they will go before the delegates in another session of the Congress this Spring for a final vote. I spoke with the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadzikadić, about the process and the current state of affairs in the Bosnia and Herzegovina.

New Bylaws for the Platform for Progress

The disappointing results of the 2022 general elections forced the members of the Platform of Progress to take a long hard look at their internal processes and carve out a new road moving forward. Part of that involved a change to the current bylaws, which were recently introduced at the meeting of the Congress. The president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadžikadić, spoke with me about what the changes would entail if approved and why they are so important to the future of the Platform.

The Congress of the Platform for Progress Meets

The Congress for the Platform for Progress met on December 15th to outline the party’s future. In the past, it has taken on the form of a celebration. However this year, it was all business following the disappointing results of the general election. I recently spoke with Mirsad Hadžikadić, who will remain as the president of the party, about the changes being discussed and the plans for implementation.

The Restructuring Process Continues for the Platform for Progress

When the congress for the Platform for Progress is held in December, members will have many decisions to make. This as a result of the ongoing restructuring of the Platform for Progress. During our recent conversation the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadžidić, spoke about what is being proposed and the next steps moving forward.

The Restructuring Process Continues for the Platform for Progress

Following the disappointing results of the October general elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Platform for Progress has taken a long hard look at its organizational structure. As a result, it has areas where change is imperative in order to right the ship moving forward to the local elections in 2024. During my recent conversation with the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadžikadić, we spoke about what these changes entail and what to expect from the upcoming annual congress scheduled for December.