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Reflections After the March of Peace

For the fourth time, Mirsad Hadžikazdić joined thousands of others from around the world as together, they participated in the annual March of Peace to honor those who were massacred during the 1995 Srebrenica genocide. Over the course of three days, they made their way over the same rugged mountain trails where over 8,000 men and boys were slaughtered trying to flee the Serbian troops. As has been the case every year, Hadžikazdić was deeply touched and moved by the experience.

The Final List of Candidates for the October General Elections Has Been Submitted

Following a long and grueling three days, the final list of candidates for the October general elections was submitted by the July 4th deadline and is now under review by the Bosnia and Herzegovina election commission. In all, there will be 350 candidates from the Platform for Progress running for various offices.  And of course, Mirsad Hadžikadić will represent the Platform for Progress as its presidential candidate. I spoke with Hadžikadić about the final list of candidates, and his participation once again in the March of Peace, July 8-11, which honors those who were killed in the 1995 Srebrenica genocide.

Finalizing the List of Candidates Who Will Appear on the Ballot in October

It has been a whirlwind of activity for presidential candidate Mirsad Hadžikadić. Over the course of just 16 days in appeared at 12 town hall meetings throughout Europe. At the same time, the Platform for Progress, along with the coalition The Country, have been praying the list of candidates that will appear on the ballot for the general elections in October of this year. I recently spoke with Hadžikadić about his trip and the task at hand of getting the list of candidates finalized by the July 4th deadline.

The Town Hall Meetings Continue Throughout Europe for Mirsad Hadžikadić

It has been another busy and grueling week for the president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadžikadić, as he continues his travels throughout Europe in advance of the October presidential elections. He has held town hall meetings in Sweden, Austria, and Germany, as he meets with the diaspora in those countries. His message is for them to become more engaged and that they are a key if true change is going to occur in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

Mirsad Hadžikadić Has Decided to Remain a Candidate for President in Bosnia and Herzegovina

It has been an agonizing last few weeks for Mirsad Hadžkadić, as ongoing circumstances had him questioning where he should remain a candidate for the Bosniak presidential council seat. In the end, he came to the decision that he would remain a candidate and continue to push forth the agenda of the Platform for Progress. A vision he feels is best for Bosnia and Herzegovina and its future. We spoke at length about what ultimately led to his decision and his current whirlwind tour throughout Europe, meeting with Diaspora, and sharing his vision for the future of the country.

Mirsad Hadžikadić is Faced With one of the Most Difficult Decisions he has Ever had to Make

Time is running short for Mirsad Hadžkadić to make his final decision on whether to continue to run for president in Bosnia and Herzegovina or withdraw his candidacy. His hand was forced recently upon the announcement of the formation of another opposition coalition that would also have a presidential candidate on the ballot in its attempt to unseat the ruling nationalists. We had a very heartfelt discussion about the agonizing decision he has been forced to make. One that he continues to say will be based solely on what is best for the country.

Difficult Decisions Lie Ahead for Mirsad Hadžikadić and His Candidacy for President

For the Platform for Progress president, Mirsad Hadžikadić, it has been a long and grueling two weeks. He and the Platform vice president, have been traveling around Bosnia and Herzegovina, meeting with citizens, and collecting the signatures needed for his hame to appear on the October ballot as the presidential candidate for The Country coalition. During this time he also learned of the news that three major opposition parties have announced plans to back a single candidate to run for the Bosniak presidential council seat as well. News that has Hadžikadić contemplating his future plans.

The Strategizing Continues Over How to Expand The Newly Formed Coalition The Country

There are ongoing discussions within the Platform for Progress on how to expand the newly formed coalition, The Country. The coalition represents six political parties, which was spearheaded by the Platform for Progress, in an effort to form a united front to challenge the ruling nationalist parties. Platform president, Mirsad Hadžikadić, will be the presidential candidate for The Country in this year’s general election in October. He and I recently spoke about the ongoing efforts to expand the coalition and the daily strategizing needed in preparation for the elections. Which, in his words, are incredibly important and crucial, in determining the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina, during these very troubling times.

Some Tough Decisions Lie Ahead for the Platform for Progress as it Continues to Prep for the October General Election

The Platform for Progress continues to address its organizational structure in preparation for the general elections in October of this year. And with that will come tough decisions. The president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadžikadić, said he has always tried to find a place for those who have wanted to be involved with the democratic movement. However, he says in order to be successful in its efforts, not only as a political organization but as a member of the newly formed coalition, The Country, that no longer will be the case. He says it won’t be easy, but necessary, as this is a crucial election when it comes to the future of the country. 

The Platform for Progress Continues to Fine Tune Its Organizational Structure in Preparation for the Election Campaign

Unlike the 2018 general election, The Platform for Progress has many more logistical challenges on its plate in preparations for the 2022 election. As the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadžikadić explains, there are a lot of moving parts these days. Everything from establishing local organizational committees throughout the country, to promotion, staffing, and the selection of the best candidates to represent the newly formed coalition, The Country, just to name a few. A true sign, as the two of us discussed, of growing pains.