Political Discord and Divisiveness Continues to Unravel in Bosnia and Herzegovina

As the political discord and divisiveness continues to mount in Bosnia and Herzegovina there is growing concern around the future of the country. The president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadžikadić, recently spoke with me about his growing concerns about the state of the country and the unfortunate reality of where it seems headed.

Growing Frustration As Efforts to Divide Bosnia and Herzegovina Continue to Escalate

In yet another attempt to bring about a show of unity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Platform for Progress recently opened an office in Banja Luka, which is located in Republika Srpska. Located in the northeastern part of the country, Republika Srpska, and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are the two entities that make up Bosnia and Herzegovina. I recently spoke with the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadžkadić, about the significance of opening the office in Republika of Srpska, even though the leadership there is making bold efforts to secede from the country. Hadžikadić also addressed the ongoing strife within the country that continues to rear its ugly head. 

Driven by the Lasting Impact of the March of Peace

2023 marked the fifth time that the president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadžikadić, has participated in the annual March of Peace. A three day event in which participants from around the world gather and march in honor of those who were massacred during the 1995 Srebrenica genocide. Over the course of those three days they traverses the same rugged mountainous trails where over 8,000 men and boys were slaughtered trying to escape the Serbian troops. During our recent conversation, Hadžikadić, said this years march touched his heart and psyche more than any other.

Reflecting on the Reorganization of the Platform for Progress

As the process of reorganizing the Platform for Progress continues, the president, Mirsad Hadžikazdić, took a moment to reflect on the last few months. During our recent conversation, he spoke about what has and has not been working, and what needs to be done to keep on track as sites are now set on the local elections in 2024.

Getting Established in Republika Srpska


The summer months would typically be a slower period for the Platform for Progress. But such is not the case this year as different organizations within the party are working diligently to make improvements following the restructuring of the Platform earlier this year. One particular focus area is Republika Srpska. During our recent conversation, the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadzikadić, explained the importance of becoming more established there despite the obstacles that lie ahead of them.

Navigating Through the Reorganization of the Platform For Progress

The work continues following the reorganization of the Platform for Progress, which means more travel for Platform for Progress president Mirsad Hadžikadić. During a recent conversation, Hadžikadić, shared that he has been visiting local organizers across the country to assure the process is moving along as smoothly as possible. Hadžikadić also confirmed that his non-profit institute developed to improve society through digital technology has been formally approved. 

Addressing the Dire Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina


The president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadžikazdić, is very concerned about the current situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the challenges the Platform faces moving forward. We recently discussed the current political climate, and how it must be addressed and at the same time solidify the support within the party.

Assessing the Political Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadžikazdić, wants the newly elected members of the presidential committee to continually monitor and discuss the current political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Hazdžikadić admits that they have failed to do this in the past and wants this to now be a top priority. He says members should always be thinking about it and what stance the party should take regarding the country’s ongoing political strife.

Mirsad Hadžikadić Appears on National TV

For the second time in as many weeks, the president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadžikadić, appeared on national TV in Bosnia and Herzegovina. And once again he was asked to address the current state of affairs in the country and his stance on some of the political strife that continues.

Mirsad Hadžikadić Continues to Address the Ongoing Strife in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadžikadić, continues his push, through recorded video messages, to address the ongoing strife in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This marks his first real public efforts since the general election on November of 2022, which was followed by the restricting of the Platform.  During our recent conversation Hadžikadić expressed confidence that his message is with some who are very concerned about the current state of affairs.