More Town Hall Meetings Across Bosnia and Herzegovina in Preparation for the General Election

The travel has picked up significantly for the president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadzikadic, as he continues to attend town hall meetings across the country. Some are organized by the Platform for Progress and others by the newly formed coalition, The Country. We spoke about how the scope of their reach has certainly broadened following the formation of the coalition, allowing him to reach a larger, more diverse audience. Hadzikadic also took time for an update on the war in Ukraine and its impact on Bosnia and Herzegovina.

A New Election Committee is Created by the Platform for Progress

The Platform for Progress has formed a new election committee that will oversee the entire process in preparation for the general elections this Fall. In my recent conversation with the president of the Platform, Mirsad Hadžikadić, he spoke of the importance of the group, as it will be responsible for the oversight of everything related to the campaign moving forward. Hadžikadić says the committee will be crucial in keeping the Platform and the newly formed coalition, The Country, on track for the next several months. He also spoke of the current crisis in Ukraine, and how the war and the actions of the international community may or may not impact Bosnia and Herzegovina moving forward.

The Talk of War Continues to Resonate in Bosnia and Herzegovina

For the last several months there has been talk of another war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is nothing unusual during a general election year in the country. However, this time, it is being fueled by talk of Republika Srpska ceding from the country and Croat nationalist leaders efforts to change the current electoral laws in the country. And then the crisis in Ukraine has many fearing could Bosina and Herzegovina be in the sites of Russia as well. I spoke with the president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadžikadić, about the ongoing crises within Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as the region. Issues that have been at the forefront of conversations during ongoing town hall meetings across the country.

A Growing Sense That Change is Needed in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Unlike 2018 when the president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadžikadić, ran for president, he is truly sensing a change in the air across the country. One in which individual citizens, businesses and business leaders are acknowledging that change is indeed necessary to start pushing the country in the right direction. Hadžikadić, who will be a presidential candidate once again in 2022, also spoke about the first town hall meeting of the newly formed political coalition, The Country.

Members of The Country Coalition Meet to Discuss Campaign Strategies

Members of the newly formed coalition, The Country, recently met to discuss campaign strategies for the upcoming 2022 general elections, which are just eight months away. Mirsad Hadźzikadić, president of the Platform for Progress, will be the presidential candidate for the coalition, however decisions need to be made to determine the other candidates from the coalition, which will make up the unified ballot for the fall election. Hadžikadić and I spoke about the process of selecting the candidates, along with other logistical issues that have to be addressed. 

The Country Coalition Holds its First Town Hall Meeting

The newly formed The Country coalition held its first town hall meeting in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I spoke with the president of the Platform for Progress and presidential candidate of The Country, Mirsad Hadžikadić, about the importance of the event. We also spoke about his recent travels to both Serbia and Croatia, for meetings with officials in both countries.

Concerns Remain High Over Heightened Tensions in Ukraine

The president of the Platform for Progress, Mirsad Hadžikadić, as well and many others in Bosnia and Herzegovina, are paying close attention to the mounting tension in Ukraine. Hadžikadić says there is a growing fear that if the US, UN, and the European Union do not take some sort of a firm stand, what will prevent Russia from doing the same thing in Bosnia and Herzegovina, given its current alignment with Serbia. He and I spoke about the possible ramifications of the current situation, as well as new developments for the Platform and the newly formed coalition, The Country.

The Tension Mounts in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The internal strife and tension continue to escalate in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Republika Srpska continues to defy the laws of the country, as outlikned in the original Dayton Peace Accords. While at the same time, continues to threaten to secede from the country. The nationalist Croat leaders pursue their efforts to change the current election laws, which would alter how the presidential candidates are elected. And the rumblings of war are echoing loud and clear. In my conversation with Platform for Progress president, Mirsad Hadžikadić, we spoke about the ongoing turmoil.

The Media Blockade Eases

For Mirsad Hadźikadić, media coverage by state run outlets during his 2018 presidential campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was virtually non-existent. However, with his recent announcement that he will run for the Bosniak presidential council seat once again in 2022, that blockade seems to have eased, at least for the time being. Recently, he was asked to sit down for an interview at the only state run TV station that is broadcast across the entire country. We spoke about the interview, and the heightened awareness of the newly formed political coalition, The Country.

The Town Hall Meetings Have Begun in Earnest Once Again

As an official candidate for the Bosniak presidential council seat in 2022, Mirsad Hadžikadić, has already begun the long and grueling days of reaching out to as many of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina as possible. During our recent conversation, Hadžikadić, spoke about two recent town hall meetings in the regions of Sava and Una. We also spoke about the tasks at hand following the formation of the coalition party, The Country.