Mirsad Hadzikadic: Preparing for the Campaign

For Mirsad the reality of what he was about to embark upon truly took hold as is set foot in Bosnia and Herzegovina in May.  The thoughts of family that he had left behind in the U.S., why he had decided to run, why he was there and what he wanted to accomplish, and waking each morning knowing this trip would be like none other that he experienced before in his homeland would never leave.  However, the “mechanics” as he described them of what he was about to embark upon immediately set in.  Logistics, a campaign team, strategies, challenges, messaging, hitting the campaign trail were now immediately confronting him.  We talked shortly after his arrival as he reflected on those first two to three weeks in his native land and what needed to be done to facilitate his hope of bringing change to Bosnia and Herzegovina and becoming the next president.

Mirsad Hadžikadić: pripreme za kampanju 

Za Mirsada je uistinu zaživjela realnost onoga u šta se otisnuo kad je u maju otišao u Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Ramišljanja o porodici koju je ostavio u SAD-u, zašto se odlučio kandidovati, zašto je otišao tamo i šta želi postići, te buđenje svako jutro uz saznanje da će ovo putovanje biti drugačije od svih ostalih koje je doživio u svojoj domovini, nikad ga ne napuštaju. Međutim, „mehanizam“, kako ga on opisuje, onoga u šta se upustio je odmah pokrenut. Logistika, tim za kampanju, strategije, izazovi, širenje poruke i kretanje sa predizbornom kampanjom odmah su iskočili pred njega. Razgovarali smo nedugo nakon njegovog dolaska, dok se osvrtao na prve dvije-tri sedmice u rodnoj zemlji i na ono što se treba uraditi kako bi se pomoglo njegovoj nadi da donese promjene u Bosni i Hercegovini i postane sljedeći predsjednik.

09.07.2018. Kliknite ovdje da pročitate intervju sa Mirsadom Hadžikadićem na službenim jezicima Bosne i Hercegovine